Lottie without makeup?


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2013
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Just wondering if anyone else has seen this. I booted up my game the other day and thought I slipped into a parallel universe because Lottie looked very different.. she just had dots for eyes. Turns out it's because she forgot to put make up on, and she was fine by the end of my shift.

Really cute & I don't have a screenshot, not sure how rare/frequent this happens, as it only happened to me once. Anyone else catch this?
Not my screenshot, but I did find one online since I don't actually have the game yet. She does look pretty different xD
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I remember seeing her like that, and I got freaked out.

Lol, I thought it was some sort of glitch until I talked to her. :p
There's been some online kerfuffle-woooooo about this in the recent past. Some folks swore it was a glitch, but it ain't! It's Lottie without the crayon around her eyes. Not sure what the deal is or why she sometimes has it and sometimes doesn't. There's a thread in here somewhere from a few months ago in which someone compares her to a Ditto.
Whoa! I have never seen that yet! It totally reminds me of Ditto. xD I wanna say it looks scary but it's also kind of cute in a... strange way, no?
I never realized this until I actually played the game. When she was first revealed, I never knew she had makeup on.
I've also seen it in my game! But it doesn't happen very often.
- hmm - I haven't noticed this yet, will keep an 'eye' open for it!
I have noticed when you are waiting for the screen to load, Lottie is in the bottom right hand corner putting on/touching up her makeup.

This game really impresses me, there has been a lot of thoughtful detailed programming, and a fair amount to make me smile.
I wouldn't have noticed either. She doesn't look that different to me. But it is strange. Forget your makeup? Who does that? It's like forgetting to put clothes on. :)
This has happened at least twice for me already, the most recent time being today.
This happened to me yesterday! I thought my game glitched lol
Shes adorable regardless.
But what i do not understand is how does the white leave her eyes? I guess its not her pupils. Just don't make sense to me.
Shes adorable regardless.
But what i do not understand is how does the white leave her eyes? I guess its not her pupils. Just don't make sense to me.

I think that's just to make it appear more dramatic and funny - definitely nothing realistic about it though :). Her eyes also shrink in size so much when it happens. lol...
I haven't had this happen in my game so far! I didn't even know it was possible until this thread, LOL.
i haven't even noticed this before, but i love the fact that they did little things like this. i think things like that are often overlooked in games and the fact that they took the time to add in cute little details is so unappreciated, i wish more game developers would do that.​