Lurker or talker?

Lurk or Talk

  • Talker

    Votes: 80 39.2%
  • Lurker

    Votes: 124 60.8%

  • Total voters
I am probably more of a lurker. I only talk with people I?m comfortable with.
I lurk until something looks interesting or I?m bored out of my absolute mind.
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I used to be a lurker, always creeping on threads. When I was modded back in the day I was forced to start talking to people and it helped me break out of my shell. Now I won't shut the heck up :rolleyes:
I'm a poster... I don't lurk but I don't talk to anyone because of a bad experiences either.
i've always been more of a lurker than a talker. i try to post fairly often, but for whatever reason i hesitate to actually do so
Lurker, definitely lurker.. I lurked the tbt for a while before I got the courage to join ^^;
I went with talker because I generally try to add my opinions if I have them and I also like to think of new topics of discussion, but I did join this forum so that I could integrate myself into the community so that's why!
I'm totally a talker. I'm not the most active user, but I've never gotten on the site without posting before logging off.
It really depends on the topic and if I feel the need to enter the conversation. But most of the time I'm a lurker.
I tend to lurk more often, but here lately I've had so much free time that I can't make myself shut up on here.
A little of both I feel like, I don't really interact long with anyone in particular because I'm insanely shy and far too self conscious but, I'll reply to boards sometimes, if they apply to me : v : /
lurker, I like to talk but most of the time I have nothing to say.
Mostly a lurker, but I have ups and downs in terms of activity where sometimes I'm content to just lurk and other times I'll pop into threads to just give my opinion/response and dash
In general, I'm a lurker, but if I'm integrated into a community I'm the most outspoken talker ever.
Definitely more of a lurker. I stumble over my words a lot and tend to get hyper-apologetic or anxious in certain situations.

I'll type the day away though.