~m12 Galleria~

m12 said:
Well, I'm actually learning a lot from GFX Resource, which you are a long-time member of, if I'm not mistaken. The forum I'm partaking in the SOTW for isn't exactly graphics-inclined, though.
oh lol cool. whats ur name on the forum? i just been lurking recently on there lol.

btw the sprites look cool. even though i'm not a pokemon fan lol XP
m12 said:
Well, I'm actually learning a lot from GFX Resource, which you are a long-time member of, if I'm not mistaken. The forum I'm partaking in the SOTW for isn't exactly graphics-inclined, though.
oh lol cool. whats ur name on the forum? i just been lurking recently on there lol.

btw the sprites look cool. even though i'm not a pokemon fan lol XP
I dug this out of the deep. I'm going to edit some posts, due to the apostrophe scrambling, and outdated examples. Please hold off on all requests until clearance to post them has been authorized by me. Thank you.
Just a slight bump. My apologies for the double post. My shop is back in business, yet my skills are slowly fading. Bring on the requests. I need to recuperate my talent.
It's great you're getting back into making signatures :D . I really like the Sonic Colors signature you made ;)
Thanks, Niko. It's been a long time.

I got some new ones I've been warming up with.

I don't speak German, but I can if you like.

These are really great signatures.They are Extremely better than the signatures I make.

There's nothing you can't do if you set your mind to it. Let's start with your willingness to learn. Do you partake in tutorials? If you'd like, I can give you tips, though I'm not much of a teacher when it comes to illustrating my technique, since it's always fluctuating. Will a couple of pointers in private suffice? I can provide resources and critique.
There's nothing you can't do if you set your mind to it. Let's start with your willingness to learn. Do you partake in tutorials? If you'd like, I can give you tips, though I'm not much of a teacher when it comes to illustrating my technique, since it's always fluctuating. Will a couple of pointers in private suffice? I can provide resources and critique.

I actually tried some tutorials and a few tricks when I first got Gimp since I didn't know how to use it at first.As time went on I tried a few more tutorials and learned a few techniques.I don't really care if you give me some tips,but if you want you can.I can just study the signatures you made to see if there is anything you put into them that will help me learn to make better signatures.I can also look up more advanced tutorials too.
I was an avid GIMP user a while back, you're in luck! If you'd like to look at some of my GIMP signatures, I'd be glad to round up some of the examples that have gotten positive feedback from peers in the past few years. Progress is truly astounding, you'll see it soon enough, by just even opening the program and messing around with the filters, the effects, the distortions. It's great. My inbox is always open for your questions.
I have returned, and I am back in business. I'm beginning my transition to relocate to Japan in April, so I have a lot of preparations to make, so please bear with me when it comes to deadlines.

I dusted off Photoshop, and came up with this abomination.

I haven't made a signature in over 8 months. Please pardon my dust while I begin to re-acquire my skills. Requests will certainly give me an opportunity to improve.
I'm back for now. I leave for Japan on April 15. I don't know if I'll be able to go online for a good long while, since I'll be on a ship.


Edit: Just finished another one.

Last edited:
Looking great as always! A weird shadow on the character in the second signature though. Feel like it needs to pop out more.

I love your little "M12" tag thing too.
I'm sorry to have such a delay, but I've been pretty active in drawing lately. I'd like to show some of it off.

K.K. Concert (Work in Progress, will update when finished.)
Double Post Palooza!

I'm back guys. Request away. I need to make some signatures!