Furry Sparks

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2005
This is a variation of mafia called Dethy, where there are 4 different cops that all think they are cops, and one mafia.

4 players alive
1 players dead
Night 2
Last player killed: Zelandonia
Role: Cop

- OddCrazyMe
- Super_Naruto
- Zelandonia
- Shadow_Link_92
- Duke

- Cop
- Naive Cop
- Paranoid cop
- Insane Cop
- Mafia

Role PMs are being sent!
Role PMs have been sent out!

The game has started, and it is night becasue Dethy starts out at night, so Cops, PM me who you want to investigate, mafia, YOU CAN NOT KILL TONIGHT. You can kill on the 2nd night and on, but not the first.

Day 1 will start tomorrow if I do not receive the PM from the last person.
Bump... Why is everyone ignoring this game?
I got Odd to be innocent.

1)I could be the insane cop and Odd made that up.
2)I'm not the paranoid cop, since I didn't get guilty.
3)I could be the naive cop, and Odd could be making that up or I got a correct investigation.
4)I could be the cop and Odd is also a cop.
Super_Naruto said:
I got Odd to be .

1)I could be the insane cop and Odd made that up.
2)I'm not the paranoid cop, since I didn't get guilty.
3)I could be the naive cop, and Odd could be making that up or I got a correct investigation.
4)I could be the cop and Odd is also a cop.
You're most likley the normal cop because I'm .

So Zel could either be guilty or not be guilty...
OddCrazyMe said:
Super_Naruto said:
I got Odd to be .

1)I could be the insane cop and Odd made that up.
2)I'm not the paranoid cop, since I didn't get guilty.
3)I could be the naive cop, and Odd could be making that up or I got a correct investigation.
4)I could be the cop and Odd is also a cop.
You're most likley the normal cop because I'm .

So Zel could either be guilty or not be guilty...

How the heck is that one of my blocked words? I have to get that problem fixed...
Or I could be the cop that gets all innocent results...or I could be one of the other cops if you're lieing and you're mafia. But I don't think you are.

I'm probably the cop or naive cop. I'll investigate Zel tonight.
Super_Naruto said:
Hope you're right
I bet you're not <.< you do realize there are other kinds of cops <.<

Vote: ZEL
I know but the first round is a bunch of guesses, right? It's the same drill over and over again. :gyroidtongue:
ZF; are you doing the deadlines I do?

If so day should be over now.
Justin125 said:
ZF; are you doing the deadlines I do?

If so day should be over now.
Hmm... well, I'll just wait till tomorrow. Do I go by most votes at the time, or just end the day with no lynch?
When deadline is up you go with the most votes.
<big><big><big><big><big><big><big>I HATE FORGETFUL HOSTS!</big></big></big></big></big></big></big><big>
Justin125 said:
<big><big><big><big><big><big><big>I HATE FORGETFUL HOSTS!</big></big></big></big></big></big></big><big><big> </big></big>

I need to ask you something first, so hold on...</big>