Make A Wish (Only for it to be corrupted in the next post)

Granted, but she disappears altogether (you wouldn't like that right????)

I wish Ajay liked me stalking him
(I'm fine with that)

Granted, but now he stalks you irl

I wish for the 1 cent to be made again in canada
(This is gonna sound weird but that would be cool)

Granted, but notes aren't made anymore

I wish I could go to bed at 3:00 every night and not be tired
Granted, but no one likes your new username.

I wish people stopped being mean to me.
Granted. Your world becomes a huge caricature of how people stereotypically view Canada. The friendliest people on Earth. It's starting to become annoying actually.

I wish for pickled party packers.
Granted, but you can only look at them.

I wish I never had to do school again, and I was highly intelligent so I never had to go to school. Ever.
Granted, but you become highly dumb.

I wish I was good at drawing.
Granted, but the Moon shrinks. (idk)

I wish I had a dog.
You get the dog, but dies within a week.

I wish I could marry Sebastian Stan
Granted, but he dies in a week.

I wish I could make black MIDI and had the material to do so.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Granted, but he dies in a week.

I wish I could make black MIDI and had the material to do so.
Granted, But you become deaf days later

I wish I had the ability to never need to sleep :)
Granted, but you are never able to be awake.

I wish I had Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, AC:HHD and a second copy of AC:NL.