Hello. I apologize for not being active the last Day cycle. I have been overwhelmingly busy. I am also not really feeling myself. I mildly hate doing reads on several people at once, but I believe I should in case I die. So if some of these reads seem forced, that?s why.
By the way... to the Doctors, protect each other or yourselves- do not protect me.
Also sorry to m3ow_, I am annoyed at myself for taking your lead off the Godfather and onto a mafpleb. I know what you mean about having doubts in your reads, I cannot reiterate this enough: the best way to play is to have utmost confidence in yourself.
By the way, the Ness is SK statement was just a reaction test.
There are 18 players remaining. I?m assuming two are scum and one is SK. With Toadsworthy claiming to hit Daniel, for some reason I have a feeling that SK hit me. Mafia should have known that there was a good chance that a Watcher would be on me, and I think SK just got extremely lucky that mafia hit Watcher.
Heyden - I do not want to waste my time typing up things others have already said, but he does seem to be acting a bit weird. He did push a lot for Alexi, and so I would like to hear him hard-claim D3 and decide where to go from there.
Taesaek - Honestly, I?ve townread him for most of the game because he was one of the only to help start an Inkling lynch.
Except at the time I did not realize the diversion away from Alexi and onto Inkling.
i don't think alexi is a good lynch candidate as of right now, no.
i also don't think aron is a good lynch candidate either because it's too much of a risk.
as far as heavy scum reads i don't have much to go off of.
i feel iffy about m3ow, mostly because she was so aggressive about anyone questioning aron and claiming if we set out eyes on him she'll be aiming her crosshairs at us. i mean, i can see why lynching a potential doctor is a really bad idea, but even so that was overly aggressive and not really needed. yes please come tunnel me, i don't mind if thats what you want to do. it wont help town though, but anyway.
i think cory was acting strangely yesterday, but i don't know his usual game play and i don't have much to go off of except his aggression. so i guess thats null until further notice.
crys has me confused bc the only game ive ever played with them they were SO ALL OVER THE THREAD we couldn't escape them, but here in this game they're barely here and we're just hanging on for their reads. i know crys is a good player and is usually a wild card of a personality so their incredibly lack of posting for once really makes me unsettled. but this is just an observation rather than a potential sr.
aron rubs me wrong and everyone already knows why so i don't need to waste words discussing it more.
as your you sarasa, you intrigue me because i can see why you use your questioning to scum read, but i don't know whether i should town read you so easily. you kinda come off as townie to me, but it's more so because i like seeing you pick apart at others and allow everyone else to see questions answered and gauge them ourselves. if that makes sense.
shiida rubs me a little wrong, mostly because of their bold ass comments towards unofficial roles.
i know it can be party innocent but it rubs me wrong why you would push so much for roles. not to mention even with all the replies i don't know how to make heads or tails of it all because, well most people seem to have living roles. which freaks me out because mine is not living..in tarot it was really simple to realize who was an obvious power role vs who was not based on the tarot card claims against arcanas, but here, i don't think there is anything as obvious as the tarot cards were.. with so many living roles and so far, what two not living have been "claimed" i feel like the push towards role claims isn't a very pro town thing. even if it's just to try to see what the roles are based off of. and the asking about ted cruz thing just seems.. sketchy?
there's so much inactivity i'm sad and i don't know how to make heads or tails of a lot of it.
The paragraphs on Alexi, Cory, and Shiida intrigue me the most. This makes me think that he is not mafia aligned because why would he kill people that he believed are suspicious? People that he could start pushing on D2?
Especially knowing that they were town- why would he emphasize suspecting them? Except then this light defensive of Alexi throws me off entirely:
how i feel towards alexi
- so far, she's been active as usual in games.
- her meta seems to be similar to the games i've played with her, the only difference i see right away is she's more aggressive and quick to accuse this time around. she's tunneled but she keeps bouncing back and forth between "aron cannot be trusted" and "yes i agree aron might actually be dumb townie."
i'm uncertain honestly, she;s been flip floppy and a little back an forth on the tunnel of aron and the "maybe he's actually town" but i can't honestly say i feel like she's legit scum. i feel like she's a bit all over the place but i don't think she's scum for not settling with aron's claim. i myself don't even feel right with arons role claim, but i'm not as experienced as most players here and i don't know the benefits of waiting and seeing how the game plays out after night 1.
so i guess in the end, yeah her flip flopping around is alarming but this game has proven to be a bit chaotic so far and i think the way alexi reads is similar to the way toad reads. a little all over the place, but they usually try to read with good intentions. if that makes sense.
i'm not saying there isn't a chance she could be scum, because she might be. but from games i've played with her in the past i can say i don't think she's acting all that differently than games before hand. but meta isn't hard to change i don't think. maybe for some but not all.
the only thing that makes me curious is this. because i mean, i know that feeling bc i've only been scum once and it was in an unofficial game but at the same time i feel like sometimes the simple answering style of "idk bc i've always been town." makes me anxious. i know a few others answered this ?'ve only ever been town." as well which makes me always question whether or not it would be true for this game.
He seemed to strongly disagree with an Alexi lynch while also saying that they were not entirely certain. Most of the time, this fencesitting is an easy scumread but honestly, it seems genuine the way it?s carried out here. I just strongly dislike how almost every paragraph starts off with this contradiction ?Yeah she?s being scummy right now, BUT....?. This dissonance between these two paragraphs are so off: if you don?t feel strongly enough then why were you defending Alexi? I believe multiple people were suspicious of her, and Taesaek was one of the only to strongly suggest not lynching Alexi.
I am pretty sure these two posts are some of his longest (if not his longest) posts in the game. Most of the his other posts are only a couple lines, but in both of these two he defends Alexi. I mean it?s not EXACTLY scummy to defend someone, but again I can?t get over this: if you do not feel strongly about them- then why would you defend someone in the first place?
if you wanna lynch town. lynch me. i do not care. lol. i'm going to flip town. enjoy your murder.
I believe the first four lines are sincere though, except the last line doesn?t sit well, which brings me back to null. Taesaek plz post reads sometime soon, it would help a lot to know where you stand now.
Ayaya- I do not like how most of their posts are intent on questioning Aronthaer.
Aren't you tunneling on
Alexi right now? If
Alexi is scum, then props to her for defending herself well, because she's been suspected as scum since D1 (as you can see she had some votes on her) but she hasn't buckled under pressure, especially when two mafias are dead.
Alexi rn reminds me of
Panda who was an easy target for mislynching in previous games because of varios weak reasons, and your case on Alexi reminds me of the cases against
I just want him to explain himself so his alignment can be cleared
Why is it okay for you to tunnel on Aronthaer but not for Crys to tunnel Alexi? It doesn?t add up considering that you KNOW we aren?t lynching Aronthaer and yet you continue to press and press him. Heyden made that statement and yet you haven?t ceased to doubt Aronthaer?s claim: why? Almost everything Aronthaer does screams inexperienced town to me, and I know mafia left him alive in order to distract us and make us begin to doubt him.
About Alexi...You needed to explain why the reasons were weak, here. Why was Crys case weak and why was M3ow_?s case weak? I believe the two cases were pretty similar, but how did they remind you of previous cases against Panda? Because you didn?t actually state specifically what was the weak parts of the case, it just seems like you are defending Alexi for very little reasoning and trying to take a lynch off of her and onto an easier target who was already being voted against.
With elaboration on why the cases were weak, I would have had a more solid read on you. If an argument is that weak then it should not be hard to explain why it is. Do you wanna know who else called a case on scum weak without explaining it?
From what I'm reading, I don't like Inkling's reaction to Xine's case on him. Even though the case was pretty weak, the defensiveness he reacted with isn't very town like. I see the same reaction to this case the same as his reaction to other cases in previous game, so I'm really not sure. I'll look more in depth with it when I get home. But that's my initial reaction
You need to explain yourself more. Otherwise your own logic and defenses are weak, not the case.
Very likely scum:
Mother of all Llamas - Sort of similar to Taesaek, I initially wanted to townread them due to their Inkling push D1:
I'm going to vote for inkling mainly because her activity in the game has been really off. Her tone is also less aggresive and I can sebse that her posts seem pretty forced. At first I thought they were changing to not start up any arguements again, but right now I'm definitely getting a feeling thats she could possibly be scum. As for Alexi, I'm not too sure what to think of her yet but I don't feel right voting her after the turnover of events for hee and emotions are probably just getting to her. I'm more confident with an Inkling vote anyhow.
And to address the people, yes, I know my inactivity irritates you all so I'm probably going to only sign up for replacements from now on... Sorry for inconveniencing you all...
Note: my vote is not firm, depending on Inklings defense of course
Really forced and awkward phrasing. For example: "I'm DEFINITELY getting a feeling that she is POSSIBLY scum". How can you say a feeling is definite that something is possible? Like those two words don't belong in the same sentence.
Advocates against an Alexi lynch because Alexi was getting "emotional"??? When was this? I NEVER saw Alexi actually get emotional- she stayed decently consistent throughout her defense and played well.
It seems that the cases for D1?s lynch were between my case on Inkling and M3ow?s case on Alexi. The line about Alexi really rubs me the wrong way, because it seems Mother knows that changing the lynch targets would be too difficult so bussing is their best option. Mother would not be smart to bus Godfather D1, but it wasn?t too much harm to bus a goon. Plus, she would likely be townread for this since she was one of the first to agree with the lynch.
But the low interaction with the thread onward from that is what makes me scumread them.
Before they placed their vote on inkling, here are their reads. I color coated them so you can see exactly what they are trying to imply, although almost all their reads are wishy washy fencesitting:
Read back and constructed some reads as I went along, sorry if I'm a little off track, I skimmed through quite a lot so I might have missed things... Sorry if they're repeats too
Heyden- He reacted very angry/upset towards Aronthaer claiming doctor which makes me believe he's possibly town.
Call me Daniel- Mostly questioning other people and such trying to find reactions.
Alexi- Assisting in town activity trying to lead in the right direction, reactions seemed pretty real too.
Tardis2016- Has been acting very off in this game from my point of view, I can't really tell if he's confused or what. I'm not really getting any suspicions on him and he seems pretty lost.
Panda1376- Step up from usual gameplay and meta seems pretty accurate, possible town.
Sarasakat- Very pro-town behaviour, trying to lead town in the right direction.
Xine- Very in-depth and confident with their posts, I have a gut feeling she's town.
Crys- Weirdly playing, their gameplay in the last game made it obvious they were fool, looks like they're trying harder this time round so could be scum, but not enough to justify anything.
Toadsworthy- Unsure, not seeing much from him.
ClamEatsCurry- Seen lurking the read, says quite a few people, neutral on them.
Ness- I'm torn between Ness, his behavior is different but his disappearance is what struck me weird. Although he had a pretty good reason, I don't know what the chances are of getting scum over and over are though...
Cadbberry- Has been lurking a LOT also, claims to getting the hang of mafia and posting every once in a while, a little wary of her...
M3ow_- Her suspicion on Ness was pretty unexplained, although she's usually quiet on day 1 despite what party she's in.
Inkling- Has been pretty quiet unlike Tarot, but I think they're staying quiet due to what happened last time and so many arguements were caused...
Kevinnn- Hasn't posted much (I shouldn't be talking though), so I can't get a proper read on them.
Cory- He's usually one to try and lead town, and I can definitely see it in this game
Taesaek- Said they were travelling so I'm not sure yet.
Aronthaer- Don't know what to say, claimed Doctor so he's most likely town unless he's lying, but I don't think scum would risk that much just as day 1 started, although that was a very silly mistake.
Shondell- Banned and awaiting replacement.
Qwerty111- In the newbie game she was pretty chill even though she was the day 1 lynch, same behavior in this game so not sure yet.
Shiida- Has made pretty decent posts so far and agreeable reads, her RQS was very similar to the one in Tarot so yeah, probably town.
Honey.dew- Banned and awaiting replacement
Notice the reads on Inkling, Alexi and most notably Call Me Daniel: they are short and awkwardly phrased. Lightly defends Inklings inactivity by using the previous game as justification. But the difference was that not only was Inkling quiet, Inkling was also contradictory all around.
Daniels read was not even a full sentence, as if they are afraid to mention their alignment although by the fragment it seems they were implying a townread.
Also note how they almost all are townreads or nullreads. When they do suspect someone, there is almost always a part of it that says "I don't know how to feel though". There are very few reads which don't contradict each other, almost all of them are completely baseless, and the
Her lack of giving full reads on people and lack of strong opinions when she seems to be an experienced player is troublesome.
Putting my vote on Qwerty based on what m3ow_ has said as I don't feel comfortable pushing Alexi right now, even though I do feel she's acting differently than she was as town in Tarot mafia. I think Heyden deserves more chance to explain himself.
It's after midnight and I'm in a call with my bf and want to go to sleep after (day ends 4am my time), so I'm not going to go back right now and try to analyse/come up with something more solid. But I'm assuming a non-vote = modkill so y'know.
You won't hear from me again before the end of day. Sorry.
Tina voted for Qwerty but then goes into saying that Alexi IS playing differently from Tarot mafia? I wouldn't really call this defending but why were you so reluctant to vote Alexi when you were aware of the change in playstyle- didn't you think that was off?
Quick half-asleep phone post so no colours or anything (yes I slept til 1pm 12hrs omg).
While I find the claim hard to believe as you left it so late (sometime in the last 6-12hrs of day when it was obv no one else would claim would have been great) gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. Which means hits N1 are almost definitely 2 maf, 1 SK, 1 Vig. With this info I think I trust the Sarasa/Xine save.
So Daniel was town-sided kill. Meaning Mafia/SK hits were Cory, Shiida, and Xine. Interesting combo. Who is ballsy and tried to take Xine? Who played it safe and shot Shiida? Was Cory a smart Mafia kill or an annoyed SK (I'm betting Mafia on this one).
I also wonder if Dolby put the strongest Mafia player as godfather (so Alexi) or if it was completely random and he didn't manipulate it. If he didn't, m3ow_/Panda/Xine are up there imo (I trust Sarasa as town rn). Although if Xine isn't town-aligned I'd peg her as SK. Which would mean ballsy or na?ve Mafia team if they tried to take her out (that applies regardless of Xine's alignment I'm too sleepy to try structure this properly on phone) as it would have been safe to assume she would be protected. I think the Shiida shot was very safe and most likely to be a smart SK kill.
Hopefully this isn't too gibberish-y.
This is too gibberish-y.
Lol, jk - but sometimes I do this "working out the mechanics of the game so far" thing when I'm mafia to make it seem like I'm contributing but it's really just sophisticated filler for the most part.
I'm unsure of what you mean when you said "Xine/m3ow/Panda are up there".
I'm really perplexed about your paragraph insinuating me being SK. Surely you realize that in a game this size, it's in SK's best interest to derail town as much as possible from lynching mafia considering it would take a VERY long time to kill off everyone singularly. You think I'm SK that hit Cory or shiida? Then mafia hit me? I just don't follow your thought process at all, or see your reasoning for any of it, considering you're suspecting some of the top contributors, that have actively tried to lynch scum. It's quite off to me and if you have any actual logic or reason to support this then I'd love to hear it because this sort of implication really needs to be supported by something.
The problem is that she hasn't posted enough for me to actually analyze her reads, but she has decided to post things about game mechanics. I understand that she has personal issues going on however, but until she contributes with reads or her opinions she is one of the most suspicious here. This isn't entirely her fault, but also due to the person she replaced as well. I believe we should give her time and we should lynch mother of all llamas before lynching her.
Leaning scum:
I have to agree with M30w?s case here. I do not want to repeat anything that has already been said, but I will summarize with this:
Very low interaction throughout the thread especially with Daniel and Inkling. Their over-defensiveness about their inactivity is simply unwarranted. It is their lack of substantial contribution which throws me off the most about them. The only thing that makes me feel weird is that they voted for Alexi quite early into the day and then .... Then Alexi voted for them after unvoting Tardis. I am extremely hesitant about them for this reason: if Qwerty was mafia it would be extremely bold to bus there, especially considering that Alexi is a stronger player than them. This is the only part holding me back from them being likely scum, but their behavior during the rest of the game prevents me from being able to townread them. Qwerty is not a good D3 lynch but should still not be overlooked just yet.
Likely town:
ClamEatsCurry - I won?t lie, this is more a gut feeling that anything.
M3ow_ - led on Alexi D1 & based on their interactions with Inkling and Daniel. The only thing that makes me keep them in ?Likely? and not ?Solid? was their hesitation to lynch Alexi D2.
Solid town:
Sarasakat - confirmed by saving me
Toadsworthy - un cc?d vig
Tardis- What I didn?t notice about Tardis at first is that they voted Alexi D1 before I posted my case about Inkling. I STRONGLY townread Tardis for this because I do not believe that a newer player like Tardis would bus Godfather D1 instead of trying to turn the lynch towards someone else. Especially considering that Alexi is a good player, and would likely be one of the stronger players on their scum team.
If anyone wants me to elaborate more on my townreads, you can just ask and I will. But I spent awhile on the others so I was tired by the time I got to them.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Ok I recognize Tina and others have probably post more since I wrote this, I typed this up early in the morning but wanted to wait until the actions deadlined ended before posting.