1. What is your timezone? EST
2. How do you react under pressure? I like to think I'm cool under pressure, but I'm probably not...
3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia? Town I guess, because I still haven't been mafia yet
4. What are you going to be known to do this game? Getting Sus-ed day 2 like I always do, or I'll just be gazed over like last time... so hopefully for being funny
2. How do you react under pressure? I like to think I'm cool under pressure, but I'm probably not...
3. Do you prefer to play as town or mafia? Town I guess, because I still haven't been mafia yet
4. What are you going to be known to do this game? Getting Sus-ed day 2 like I always do, or I'll just be gazed over like last time... so hopefully for being funny