You do realise they were trolls and you shouldn't take into account for what they say...
great point
the great trumperino in the sky would be proud
You do realise they were trolls and you shouldn't take into account for what they say...
you voted for Heyden right after he voted you.. I'm sorry but the bolded part is very flawed.
As for the rest of this post ? Half the playerlist has 2-3 posts, which would put them at "no effort" in this game.
are you kidding me? all your reads consist of is you grasping for straws. i will give you credit for the creativity. All of the was happeneing around 11pm-12am here. The game had just started and the thread was suddenly bombarded by a troll. There was nothing to react to except for the troll. And no, for the first few posts it was not obvious that honey was a troll. And I'm not stupid or oblivious, I think most of us were confused until the posts became blatantly trolly.
Also I worked all day and I'm still catching up. There are way to many posts so far. But I'd thought I'd respond to your post.
- - - Post Merge - - -
also, @xine, why are you defending aron so hard?
I have 2 reasons why they know about the quick topic.
1. they read some of the old games.
2. They got a Pm role and the link was linking them to the quick topic.
Why are you suspicious of ness and Tardis for being inactive/not trying when there's literally more than half of the other members you could say the same thing about?
Its pretty interesting how you were quiet this whole time until I mentioned you, and then in about an hour you are here defending yourself.
Others said plenty of things that had nothing to do with the troll, so you can't use that excuse, sorry. Not once did I call you stupid so you don't have to be offended by the way. Your level of defensiveness isn't necessary.
I suggest taking more time to give reads if you would like me to townread you.
I did not defend him, we are not lynching someone that has claimed doctor. Why are you asking me that if you still haven't fully read the thread?
Was it common for Ness to go inactive after being questioned? Maybe it's because I've never played with him before, but i don't see it as odd. Could have a genuine reason for not responding.
Was it common for Ness to go inactive after being questioned? Maybe it's because I've never played with him before, but i don't see it as odd. Could have a genuine reason for not responding.
Sorry Daniel, I legitimately didn't read this.
Because with the other members we literally have nothing to go on. With Ness, he was being very active and then when the accusations started he just... left. With Tardis, they weren't inactive, they've just been acting pretty suspicious and has been very quick to just agree with everyone else.
genuine question - do you know what a troll is?
I like the change of gamestyle Panda, props to you. I should probably do some reads on everyone but I can't be bothered to right now haha
Don't sheep@Heyden haha thanks im trying, its pretty tiring but im just trying not to lynch the Cop D1 again like last game. i hated myself for that especially cause i was so close to lynching Ness/Tom and let them get away last minute.![]()
I appreciate the read on players Panda, very helpful, and I will attempt to contribute more. Now that it is the weekend I should be able to put more into this game.
Someone who tries to get people upset, and starting arguments.