Bought a red feather for 1.4ktbt
Are those Astral numbers worth anything at all? I've had this collectible called "Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10" forever and I never see it mentioned. Are they basically worthless?
They can not be sent to other users
Oh, that explains it. Where were they from? I don't even remember how I got one, just that it's been sitting there forever.
Bought a red feather for 1.4ktbt
Bump! :>
Seems like people are keen to get rid of their spellectibles right now! :O
its Christmas- people keen to sell anything they got so they can snag that GI Joe with the kung fu grip collectible when it unwraps next week...
Cutest bump ever! (≧∇≦)
hey hey- youse guys are knocking my candle selling thread down a notch!![]()
Ahaha, I sincerely hope it turns out to be that LOL xD Awww but won't they want them next year when it's Halloween time? :O
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Cutest bump ever! (≧∇≦)