May Day 2021

i really enjoyed the maze. i did need to reset twice but im happy that i got all of the bell tickets this year c: even though i dont really have a use for them at this point, i felt a little disappointed last year when i didnt get them all so its nice to finally achieve that
Had to restart once but then finally got it and was able to collect all the vouchers ;D always nice to talk to Rover again, curious what he'll send in the mail this time. ヾ(^-^)ノ
this year, the may day was pretty fun and the maze was a little difficult. C: (i did 3 times before get it right) ^^
I had to restart 7 times 🤣 Sure it was trickier than last year !

At the beginning I always found myself in a dead end on the right side with no fruit to eat anymore

At some point I understood we had to reach the workbench before dealing with the last trees on the right, but then I used the axe on the wrong tree and I had to restart 😱
And for the next 2 trials I forgot we had to reach the workbench as soon as possible, so I got stuck again on the right.

At the end, when I finally reached Rover, I was afraid I missed the chance to get all the bell vouchers and that I would have to restart again. But fortunately we can reach the voucher after reaching Rover ☺
I only had to reset once at least, but it was quite the challenge. I'm glad Nintendo actually changed the maze this year, and gave a pretty awesome prize on completion.
I’m super dumb and reset like 6 times, I kept on misusing the fruits and thought I had to finish the right side first before the left. It took me a while to understand which tree/rock to shovel 😭 I also didn’t see that the axe was already worn-out so of course I wasted it once by using it on the wrong tree.
It took me way more times to complete it this year; I must have restarted it 4 times! Last year, I went through it all in one go. Did they make it more difficult or was I just being dumb? 🤣

I did enjoy it though. I was expecting Rover to give us something at the end but I suppose that's what comes in the mail (no spoilers for what it is please 🤣).
I did enjoy it though. I was expecting Rover to give us something at the end but I suppose that's what comes in the mail (no spoilers for what it is please 🤣).
Spoiler free confirmation that you'll get it in the mail tomorrow, along side any of the bell tokens you collected if any
I loved the Maze. It was a challenge! I just wish that they gave us more mazes or at least let you fly back again to the island just for fun.
I hope in the future they add events/games that have this same level of challenge. It's such a contrast looking at most of the acnh events and how simple they are and comparing them to the May day maze. Especially the Museum day stamp thing..
Got it after 5 resets lol! I figured out what I had to do after the 2nd time but then when I restarted I got confused and got stuck TWICE and then finally the last time I focused and got through it :)

The maze itself was harder this year imo, but getting the vouchers was easier?

I absolutely loved it tho! Gonna do a 2nd time with my second character somewhere next week, let's see if I can get there in 1 go that time (i doubt it 😂)
Surprisingly, I had difficulty with last year's maze as compared to this year. Seeing Rover again makes me happy! :)
I got through the maze without having to reset, which is something for me. I'm not the best at these puzzles. It took a while, and I did a lot of retracing my steps, but I got everything.

It was fun, I liked seeing Rover, and the gift is nice.
I managed to get through the May Day maze completely in my first attempt this year since I had a better understanding of how to go at it. Last year it took me 2 attempts, and that was only because I wanted to get all the bell vouchers, lol. It's a nice little event and I did enjoy it again, definitely would be nice if there were more puzzle islands like it added into the game. I also do like the gift received from Rover, makes me curious if/how the gift received will change next year, assuming we get another May Day maze.
I don’t have too much constructive to offer, but this is my favorite event! I love the puzzle of it and, though I get why people who are doing it for the first time this year are frustrated, I love the idea of getting a special reward each year (hopefully next year too). It is a good balance for me of being more involved game play but still not so time intensive. I’d love to see more puzzle islands too, they really are fun, but still fairly low key.
Finally got around to do it tonight. I went in not too enthusiastic (already knew about the reward because it's impossible to avoid spoilers and since I have no personal connection to Rover, I wasn't very excited about it) and it took me a couple of resests, but in the end I was motivated to finish it just for the sake of it. I wish there was a quicker way for resetting without going through so much dialogue, but all in all, the maze ended up to be fun. I really appreciated that they changed it from last year and it seems like a lot of people are excited about the reward, so I won't complain about it. Maybe I'll just give it away.
i had to retry only once because i made a mistake that messed up the maze unfortunately. but otherwise, it was pretty easy and enjoyable! love seeing my boy rover <3
I finally got around to doing it and I didn't think it was any harder than last year. They both have a pretty simple strategy: don't use your fruit unless you know there's more on the other side of the obstacle you're removing.

I arrived wearing a wetsuit just to see if it was possible to cheese the maze with it. I'm surprised that they actually disabled swimming on the May Day island.