Selling Mayor Tia's Boxing Service 📦🌺 Your Villager Fairy Godmother! NOW WITH FREE VILLAGERS! NEW LEAF ONLY.

hiiiii idk when youre online but im ready for purrl whenever you are ! :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh nevermind i dont need her anymore, but thank you so much anyway !!
Mayor: Lapis
Town: Primary
Friend Code: 2466-4479-0941
Villager: Agent S
Availability: Rest of the night tonight
Payment: 4mil IGB

Hello! I got super busy so I was never able to get back to you.
Could I get Agent S tonight, and possibly Julian? I've currently got 8 villagers.
That would bring that total to 8mil IGB if it's okay to pay for two villagers with IGB :)
Request form:
⊳ Name: Ducky
⊳ Town: Snowfall
⊳ Friend Code: see side bar
⊳ Villager: Molly
⊳ Availability: evenings
⊳ Payment: TBT
⊳ Want their picture? No.
Hi friends! I won't be on this weekend, and I'm really sorry if that affects some of you! BUT...I'll be back Monday evening with a HUGE announcement! You guys won't wanna miss it! See you guys then!
Hello everyone! So it's time for my big announcement! I've decided to cut the price down to 15 TBT for each villager! I'm trying to make getting the villagers and dreamies more accessible for everyone! I hope everyone's excited for the new prices. Also, be on the lookout for the Black Friday Sale because the villagers during that time will only be 7TBT! Whew! What a steal, huh? Thank you all so much for the continued support of my thread. I really do appreciate it!
Ohhh, wow! :D That's awesome, thanks for doing this for us!

(Definitely expect to see me around... |D I've unfortunately run into some concerns/things I want to do that are necessitating the reset of a town, so I'll need some help getting the team back together as it all goes!)
Since my order keeps changing I might as well just do a new form haha, and i had an unexpected move in right where I was going to put Julian! oops lol

⊳ Name: Lapis
⊳ Town: Primary
⊳ Friend Code: 2466-4479-0941
⊳ Villager: Agent S and Benjamin
⊳ Availability: All evening tonight and Thursday evening
⊳ Payment: 30 TBT :)
⊳ Want their picture?: no thank you
Howdy! No rush on this guy, just let me know.

⊳ Name: Anna
⊳ Town: Sinnoh
⊳ Friend Code: Sidebar :^)
⊳ Villager: HAMPHREY
⊳ Availability: most evenings, not much on weekends, varies by week. EST (1 hours before CST)
⊳ Payment: TBT
⊳ Want their picture?: Not really, I wanna EARN that framed hamster
Hello, I'm here to get my one true Dreamie, Muffy! She will be my 10th villager so I have space to take her any time.

⊳ Name: Lauren
⊳ Town: Crescent
⊳ Friend Code: in sidebar
⊳ Villager: Muffy
⊳ Availability: noon - 11pm EST most days
⊳ Payment: TBT
⊳ Want their picture?: No thanks!
⊳ Name: Sybie
⊳ Town: Wolfwake
⊳ Friend Code: side bar
⊳ Villager: Cheif
⊳ Availability: 4-11pm. Saturday-Sunday I'm pretty available
⊳ Payment:15tbt
⊳ Want their picture?: Please :)

Snork is in boxes today and leaves tomorrow so I won't be able to get him today unfortunately.
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Hi friends! I'll be on in a little bit to take care of requests. I'm charging my 3DS rn! See you all soon!