Julian is boxed for you to come pick up! I also have the other items that you wanted from your wishlist ready as well so we can do it all in one visit!Name: Laroon
Town: Salem
FC: (In signature)
Villager: Julian!
Availability: Free all of today and on and off tomorrow!
Hi again! I'll have Dobie ready for you tonight!Name: Raven
Town: Dogville
FC: sidebar
Villager: Dobie
Availability: tonight, 6-8PM your time zone
ohmygosh hi twin! Zucker is all boxed and ready for you if you'd like to pick him up!Name: tia! hehe twinning
Town: sakura!
Friend Code: in sidebar
Villager: zucker!
Availability: 12pm to 1am gmt!
Payment: 20 TBT
Need their picture?: no thank you!
ohmygosh hi twin! Zucker is all boxed and ready for you if you'd like to pick him up!
I have Marty boxed and ready to be picked up for you!Name: Sarah
Town: Lobelia
Friend Code: 5069-3965-3392
Villager: Marty, if you happen to have the Sanrio characters
Availability: Anytime!
⊳ Name: Lyra
⊳ Town: Lumina
⊳ Friend Code: 0920-3393-1333
⊳ Villager: Wolf Link (if possible, please lmk if not)
⊳ Availability: all day CST
⊳ Payment: 20 TBT
⊳ Need their picture?: no
W. Link is boxed up in my town if you'd like to come pick him up!