Selling Mayor Tia's Boxing Service 📦🌺 Your Villager Fairy Godmother! NOW WITH FREE VILLAGERS! NEW LEAF ONLY.

sorry for interrupting your perfect thread of forms-
what are tbt and igb? new to villager trading lmao.
sorry for interrupting your perfect thread of forms-
what are tbt and igb? new to villager trading lmao.
You don't have to apologize! Questions are always welcome! IGB refers to "in game bells", so the bells that you get in the Animal Crossing New Leaf game! TBT refers to "The Bell Tree" bells, which is the currency of this forum which you earn by making posts, selling items that you may own in game, and other ways~
You don't have to apologize! Questions are always welcome! IGB refers to "in game bells", so the bells that you get in the Animal Crossing New Leaf game! TBT refers to "The Bell Tree" bells, which is the currency of this forum which you earn by making posts, selling items that you may own in game, and other ways~

Okay, thankyou! I'll probably request a villager once I've earnt enough TBT then.
Name: Andrea
⊳ Town: Merlon
⊳ Friend Code: in signature!
⊳ Villager: Vesta
⊳ Availability: in one hour or later
⊳ Payment: 20tbt
⊳ Need their picture?: yes

Is this how it works? :)
when will lolly be ready also I might have to do trips because I have a lot of IGB to give you
⊳ Name: Pisces
⊳ Town: Zodiac
⊳ Friend Code: Sidebar
⊳ Villager: Gala if you have her but any of my dreamies would be fine!
⊳ Availability: from now until 9pm BST (British Standard Time)
⊳ Payment: 20 TBT
⊳ Need their picture?: Yes please!
Last edited:
haii! c:

Name: Keely
Town: Konoko
Friend Code: 1650-7144-8757
Villager: Marshal
Availability: I'm available right at moment, all day long!~
Payment: 20 tbt, I believe? :p
Need Their Picture?: No thank you c:
when will lolly be ready also I might have to do trips because I have a lot of IGB to give you

You have space in your town with Diana still being in boxes?

- - - Post Merge - - -

just a quick question- how do I transfer TBT?-

If you click on my amount of bells under my picture, a small dialog box should pop up & you can transfer them that way!
You have space in your town with Diana still being in boxes?

- - - Post Merge - - -

If you click on my amount of bells under my picture, a small dialog box should pop up & you can transfer them that way!

Diana has moved away now I have free space