Members that you miss

one user i really miss is @/tae !! they were always so sweet to me, and helped me get more into k-pop by recommending me so many good songs and groups ;__; i always cherished our friendship back then and still do!
I definitely haven't been here long enough to really know anyone who's left or hasn't been here for a long time, but it is always kind of sad to go through active threads, especially non-basement ones, that were started a long time ago and see how many people that were here then that aren't here anymore.
—mcdonaldsplayplace, only had a few posts, but they seemed nice.
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—mcdonaldsplayplace, only had a few posts, but they seemed nice.
I remember Alienfish very well. Best I can remember her for was when she banned users for cheese reasons on the Your Banned game. I was annoyed by it at first, but we got along as the site went on.

I never met the other two though.
Seaofstars didn’t have many posts, but she came over here from Reddit to do more Amiibo card trading and I’d already encountered her there as well. We traded many times over a span of 3-6 months and she always sent the kindest notes and drawings with the trades. She also helped explain some trading norms to me when I was starting out.
While we all have our own members that we miss, I would like to give a shout-out to @Sholee (a member I previously mentioned), who is also an artist and an expert on collectibles. I remember when she had a sidebar of all peaches, her avatar and sidebar gave me an impression that rabbits hoard peaches, so I PMed her a poem about a rabbit and peaches.

Although we were never friends, I hope she returns to TBT.
@rubyy 💕

She's the reason I joined tbt in the first place, and probably one of my very first online friends. I remember both of us being SO hyped for New Leaf coming out. As we've grown older we haven't kept in touch as much (adult things), but if you ever see this Ruby I still think of you and miss you 🥺 I hope that you're doing well ♡ rosieee98
I definitely haven't been here long enough to really know anyone who's left or hasn't been here for a long time, but it is always kind of sad to go through active threads, especially non-basement ones, that were started a long time ago and see how many people that were here then that aren't here anymore.
Same here. I frequently look through old threads and user pages and find a lot of users who last logged in ages ago. I really feel like I could really get along with some of the inactive users there, or at least be on good terms with them if their posts are anything to go by. @Alienfish, @KantoKraze, about half of the retired staff, and @Nenya come to mind.
Too many to list them all, unfortunately.

From my NL days I was really close with Stina/Peisinoe and Sansa.

From NH I miss Rairu and John Wick (I'm aware John could rub people the wrong way but he was always great with me).

And like many people, I found the sudden disappearance of Your Local Wild Child very jarring.

Tell your friends how you feel about them folks. You never know when the last time you'll talk to them will suddenly appear.
So the most missed members on this thread so far are Javocado, Dunquixote, and RedTropicalPeachyFish.
Ohh there's a ton of people—so many that I've been scared I'd leave someone off, honestly. 🥺 But I really miss seeing Dunquixote, moo_nieu, 0ni, _Donut_, mocha., and zarf around, to name a few of them.
I've always wondered where Jam86 went too—back when I was first becoming active on here in early 2021 we played a ton of the same games in The Basement and I had a lot of fun interacting with them, but they disappeared entirely not long after. ;;
oh yeah, I also miss @/Livia. Like @/Alienfish, she was relatable, and was a reminder that I am not alone. :,)
Toska. She was really nice and I enjoyed our interactions. She just kinda vanished from the site one day. I still hold onto the collectible she sent me closely.

Sinnerthecat and Lightspring are some of my other favorite friends I’ve had on here. The former I still message on Tumblr sometimes when I have the chance.
kiwikenobi was the first TBT user I interacted with when I joined these forums. They used to host this cool service where they made town tunes for other players and I’ve utilized it a few times. Unfortunately, around January, they pretty much disappeared without further explanation.
Kiwi seems like a kind user, and it would be nice to see them again.