Members that you miss

There are a handful of people I either regularly traded ACNL items with or casually chatted with who would be cool to see around again. Most are from way, way back in the day and some weren't active for long, but hey, I remember them fondly!

Hirisa - loved talking about horror-themed town possibilities with her!
Here’s mine:

Former moderators, like Jake, Gandalf, Prof Gallows, and Caius (formerly ZR388) are a no-brainer on who I would miss. They didn’t even return to the site after retiring. I also wish to meet Jennifer, another former moderator.

As for regular users, I miss:

- Javocado
- Sholee
- ellabella12345
- daniduckyface
- Wishy_The_Star
- Leela
- Bunnilla
- Callaway
- Piske (I think that’s the current username, but I remember when this user was pechue)
- ShinyYoshi

I wonder why Jav made is account private.

I do generally just miss everyone from the old IRC days. Laurina, Lauren, @Geoni, @iLoveYou, @Minties, @Superpenguin, @Truffle...

I know there's more names but that's all who I recall atm
I'm def a more recent user but if I had to name some they'd be lsabella, Cheryll and Laconic! They were all v nice to me when I first came and I got along super nicely with all of them! I hope they're all slaying in life rn, it would definitely be nice to catch up with some of them again sometime LOL
Other users I miss:

- azukitan
- Guero101
- King Dorado
- toadsworthy
- aleshapie
- Meliara
- TheHiddenOwl
- gnoixaim
- Bcat
- KaydeeKrunk
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I know they've been mentioned but Javocado! They gifted me my first dream collectible (Pokeball) and I remember being so giddy about it back then bc it was a rare collectible. I never bring it out anymore but can't ever imagine gifting it to someone else bc I'm so attached to the message. :c ❤️ Wherever Jav is now, I hope they're having a great time!

I've never been super close to anyone on here, but I've become acquaintances with a lot of users that have left.

-abalonei and chocosongee are both great artists who I haven't seen for a while
- LevyTheFox I invited to the forums but slowly stopped coming on here, but they're really nice
- KnightsSorrow and bonucci were always really nice to me
- megantheacwwgirl comes on every once in a while and says hi, but they're not very active anymore.
zuko (Halloween 2014(?) bottle pee legend)
Sej (she loved pears)
RosieThePeppyCat (friend from ACC and here)
Gracelia (old friend from ACC, welcomed me to this site!)
Cuppycakez (Great friend on here, I still remember being so excited when that TBT fair spiral sticker came out and it leaked the apple collectible)

There are a lot more people and I also miss talking to some people who ARE active so I should get on that.
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I know they've been mentioned but Javocado! They gifted me my first dream collectible (Pokeball) and I remember being so giddy about it back then bc it was a rare collectible. I never bring it out anymore but can't ever imagine gifting it to someone else bc I'm so attached to the message. :c ❤️ Wherever Jav is now, I hope they're having a great time!

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It’s okay to mention the same user someone else previously mention. We all miss @Javocado (it’s nice of him to get you a Pokéball).
RedTropicalPeachyFish. I wrote a lot with her and I still see her online playing ACNH. She is the only one who loves please save my earth as much as me haha I hope she will return 🤍

See used to send my every year a valentines day rose 🌹
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Forgive me if any of these still come on, or if they are misspelled.

* Geekaloompa/Hulaette
* Belle of Pripyat
* MayorJudyOfZootopia
* Munna
* Maggiewes
* Galatickat
* Mayor Monday
* Fuzzbyroo
* John Wick
* Izzy Reincarnated
* Ailenfish
A few people I miss!
@/Dunquixote, but I have her on Discord, so I check in with her there. 💜
@/Shendere A beautiful soul, so kind, and a super talented artist 💖
@/_Rainy_ Also super talented! Miss seeing her around, and I just hope she's doing well ❤️

I'm lucky that most of my TBT friends are still here. ❤️ You are the best. 🥺💖
Here are some of my favorite users that left:

1980 Something Spaceguy




Pun of Nentown

(Not to be confused with the villager of the same name.)



I actually came here to mention her, I was looking back at one of her art threads earlier this week. she and I used to talk a lot and compliment and share our art. it's too bad she ended up leaving, though I understand why.

I also really miss Dawnpiplup, dunno what happened to her but I hope she's doing alright 💜
I remember a user named piichinu. I always thought that username was super cute.
There were a couple of other members I used to play with in the Basement threads. The ones that changed their username, I got into the habit of calling them by their old usernames, even when it bothers them. I won’t bring up their old usernames here, but I do miss them too, as well as a few other Basement dwellers.
I really miss @Nightmares . She was such a lovely friend to me and many others on the site and it really sucks that I'll never get to talk to her again. Her presence is deeply missed and I'll never forget the memories we shared, although few.. I'll remember her for as long as I live.

I also really miss Javocado, seeing he's been mentioned here a few times. I'd always post on his wall like 'JAV A NICE DAY!!!!111' like the annoying teenager I was at the time, thinking I was cool 😭
I love and miss Oblivia, even though she's a moderator here, I really miss talking with her I am too shy to message her.
ALSO @Zura . He was a super good friend to me and he kinda disappeared off the face of the planet. I have him added some places, but we never talk. :^(
AND @Bread Kennedys also known as NoUsernameHere <3 She's my bestie and although she's no longer active here, having her on the forums was so great. :")
I really miss @Nightmares . She was such a lovely friend to me and many others on the site and it really sucks that I'll never get to talk to her again. Her presence is deeply missed and I'll never forget the memories we shared, although few.. I'll remember her for as long as I live.
I remember seeing her around a bit when I was just starting to be active on here again, and I remember hearing about what happened to her and feeling devastated. I didn't even know her personally. I know she means a lot to you and I think it's so sweet that you have a Lobo collectible with a message from her on it 🥺💕 really goes to show that something as simple as forum "collectibles" can really foster such a caring community.
I haven't been here long enough to remember most/if not all of the members mentioned, but I do miss @Aria Nook Violet and @apeisland those are the two members that spring into my mind. I loved Aria and I talking about Buck and Jay, also visiting their town. Aria had the most wonderful island! I adored apeisland's love for Tucker. I always think the elephant watering can in Nook's looks like Tucker. :)