I'm diagnosed with depression and I have very bad anxiety. Also, because my dad has schizophrenia disorder I show early signs of it since it's supposedly genetic. I also hate how people try to glorify mental illness.. It isn't fun at all and it makes you feel like you have to constantly keep in check of it to come off normal on the outside. I think it also motivates me though, because I feel like I'm very self aware of it and all I can think about is I want to do better and be better, and I want to be healthy. Especially seeing up close what it can do to you. It's also taught me that no matter how deep you are in depression that there are always people there for you and care about you <3
This is so true. Depression can be very isolating, anxiety can be very isolating. When you're depressed you may lack motivation to be with other people, when you have anxiety you can hesitate wanting to share your problems with others, for fearing of burdening them. Truth be told, people do care, even if it's in a roundabout way at times, people want to help and okay, they may not always be GREAT, they may not be able to cure your mental health issues, and they may not be able to provide you the best support, but the fact that they are there, cheering you on and spreading love to you is so important to remember, and reminds you that you are of some value on this earth.
I used to suffer badly with depression, especially late last year to early this year, it was suffocating and very hard to deal with. I also got anxiety as a result with my depression. I visited counselors, doctors, my family tried to "help", but ultimately, it was ME who got me better, and that is a really amazing feeling. I won't lie, sometimes I have my bad days. I still get nervous talking to other people, I am shy, I am anxious about new situations, sometimes I wake up and I just lack any motivation and I feel like the world is against me. But knowing that I got over depression, knowing that I got over anxiety, it gives me more strength to know I can get over those little anxiety or depression days again. It seems like it's never-ending, it seems like you will never be able to get better but... The thing that helped me most was letting go of the past, and letting go of feelings that I was holding onto so tight. That was what was bringing me down.
Sometimes you need to just accept life. Things change, people change, life doesn't always go to plan. You may experience a break-up, you may really love them and miss them and wish you could be with them. You may feel angry when they ignore you or abuse you or treat you in a way that you don't deserve because you can't believe that's still the same person you love. But you have to let go and move on, because if you keep clinging onto the past, you can't move onto the future. And the past is sometimes not always desirable. That's what I was like. But when you let go you can realise that you still have so many more opportunities to make your life amazing and to improve yourself. The future is a bright place and when you realise that you can control that and make what you want of it then that's what really brings light to your life. I'm sorry this is really cheesy, but it's just an amazing feeling, being able to "overcome" a mental illness. I know that I am never going to really be over depression, but being able to beat it and realise I'm stronger than that is a beautiful feeling, and I know anyone can do it too. You just have to work out what is holding you back, and you need to let go of it.