Mental Illness Thread

I've been diagnosed with PTSD, depression and anxiety for about five/six years now. I do admit, I am getting a lot better with coping with them, but I suppose that's what an increase in medication does. I don't really like opening up to people because of the whole 'attention whore' stereotype that goes with doing so in my previous group of friends. Does anyone else feel that way as well? But, on the flip side, if I don't open up to people, they can and will talk about insensitive stuff that just brings the memories back. Again, I do not want to say anything, and if I keep excusing myself to get away from the conversation, I fear they will become suspicious. I truly do not want my current friends to find out, because it always makes them treat me differently, I suppose.
I guess what I'm trying to ask is if anyone has the same problem and/or has a few options on how to overcome this?

This is a problem I feel like many people who have been actually diagnosed with mental health issues for awhile deal with frequently. Personally, I only have two close friends and if I didn't tell them then my behavior would be very out of place and unnatural to them so I felt it best to just spill it because since they care about me, they aren't bothered and are always helping me out the best they can. As long as you tell someone, be it any person, I feel like it helps alot, you can get alot off your chest, and maybe even remove some toxic people and relationships from your life whilst at it so you can rule out who cares about you and who just says that they care about you. I wish you the best of luck in feeling better!
This is a problem I feel like many people who have been actually diagnosed with mental health issues for awhile deal with frequently. Personally, I only have two close friends and if I didn't tell them then my behavior would be very out of place and unnatural to them so I felt it best to just spill it because since they care about me, they aren't bothered and are always helping me out the best they can. As long as you tell someone, be it any person, I feel like it helps alot, you can get alot off your chest, and maybe even remove some toxic people and relationships from your life whilst at it so you can rule out who cares about you and who just says that they care about you. I wish you the best of luck in feeling better!

I'm glad I'm not the only one, then!! I find it easy to bluff though; the only real behavourial issues my friends have seen is my immense anger. (that may come with my illnesses, but I have always had a short temper.) I guess that's another factor in my reasoning of why I haven't had to tell them my problems; they simply haven't picked up on it. I would love to take away those toxic friendships, but my town and learning facility is only small, and thus it's kinda like everyone knows everyone, and it's hard to escape. However, I may just be ignorant to the options I have there!
I thank you very much for your kind words though, and I hope you feel better also quq
I'm glad I'm not the only one, then!! I find it easy to bluff though; the only real behavourial issues my friends have seen is my immense anger. (that may come with my illnesses, but I have always had a short temper.) I guess that's another factor in my reasoning of why I haven't had to tell them my problems; they simply haven't picked up on it. I would love to take away those toxic friendships, but my town and learning facility is only small, and thus it's kinda like everyone knows everyone, and it's hard to escape. However, I may just be ignorant to the options I have there!
I thank you very much for your kind words though, and I hope you feel better also quq

pardon me for continuing to drag this out but there is something i did recently that made me feel immensely better then i ever did before. what you need to do is sit down and write out a list of things that make you happy and things that YOU want to do for yourself instead of what everyone else wants from you. then what you do is go through the list and do whatever you want to. yeah its dumb and sounds like some garbage but the day i put my foot down and told my family that i had enough of their shenanigans things started changing, ive been away from home more, ive gained weight again, ive even started to eat every single day. just keep doing things that personally make you feel good, you have to learn to be strong and let go of toxicity, itll only exhaust you and bring you down, if you ever need someone to vent to feel free to PM me :)
i just.. split on my friend.. 3rd time. its absolutely stressing me out rn bc after i split i deleted the msging app that we use to chat on, but redownloaded it and tried messaging her on it anD. SHE ISNT RESPONDING. i have no idea if she's okay or if she's mad at me or if i hurt her feelings. rn i am apologising to her for suddenly going off on her like tht. i even split on my sis too while venting to her after what happened.

i feel terrible and am panicking..i shouldnt have done that.. hope she responds soon..

//vent over
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I have severe depression and anxiety as well as mild OCD.
The anxiety part I find is worse than the depression most days, I barely go anywhere and when I do I'm so stressed out. Hate meeting new people or going to new places.
It does annoy me when people make a joke of having's no fun to live with when you have to check the door is locked 10 times to get it to an even number and even then you're not sure if it's actually locked.
Have worked with a lot of young people with ADHD. I understand how debilitating it can be, one of the kids I worked with actually (was about 16 at the time) said he no longer wanted him medication because he wanted to be able to feel something. Was heart breaking
I have ASD/Asperger's... does that count as a mental illness? If not, then somebody please correct me.

Anyways, my illness is one of those things that I choose not to think about because of how much grief it gives me. Not thinking about it has been especially helpful for me for the past few years as it helps me clear my mind and focus on things that I should be working on, like homework. The only times I ever think about it is when I use it as an excuse for feeling like I screwed up on something when I really haven't done anything wrong, but I thankfully don't do it as much as what I used to 5 years ago.

That being said however, my illness has also made me really, really struggle with making close friendships with other people. I haven't made a friend since 6 years ago and I've always wished I could do a better job at even just approaching others, but I'm afraid I'll say something that's offensive to others or if I act insensitive around them. It doesn't help that most of my friendships turned out to be fake. I've had one who backstabbed me and another who only was my friend because they felt sorry for me. While I do have friends who genuinely like me, they're either super busy or they can't get in contact with me anymore as they moved to somewhere else. When I was a kid, I was really happy with being alone, but as I get older, I realise how important having friends really is.

A lot of regular people I come across tend to over-exaggerate the traits of people with autism/Asperger's. They say that all people with autism/Asperger's are insensitive to other people's feelings, they say that they're mute and have obsessive interests and there are people who think they're either super smart or intellectually disabled (as in Chris Chan levels of disabled). As somebody who's been diagnosed with autism/Asperger's, stuff like this drives me nuts because not all of these traits actually apply to me. Especially the stereotype on being insensitive, because I'm constantly worried about the well-being of my friends and family.

I guess because of my autism/Asperger's and certain events in my life, I also feel like I have mild depression, but I've never been diagnosed with depression, so I'm not really one to say, haha.

I know not many people here have autism/Asperger's, but does anybody have any advice on overcoming anxiety on approaching other people and making friends?
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^ i'm autistic and i have found that it can be easier to make friends who share your interests. like, for me i always get super anxious and awkward talking to new people but if they like my special interest too it can be something to talk about and then we get to know each other. and, like, if you have a hard time knowimg what to talk about you can bring up the interest that you knlw that you borh share!!!
it has made it easier for me at least hahah.. ;w; since for me normal conversations and small talk are Anxiety Hell !! and talking about something i rly love makes it way easier, even tho it doesnt remove all of my anxiety ...
I do suffer from depression and anxiety, but not on an extreme level like some people do. I feel bad sometimes because I can't relate or understand when people tell me how bad they have it. SOMETIMES I think they are faking. Somethings they aren't. But I hate that people don't think I get it just because I don't talk about it. They think I am perfect and love myself. Just because I don't talk about my feelings or problems doesn't mean they don't exist.
I have ADHD.
But I hate how people use the mental illness card to get sympathy.
^ i'm autistic and i have found that it can be easier to make friends who share your interests. like, for me i always get super anxious and awkward talking to new people but if they like my special interest too it can be something to talk about and then we get to know each other. and, like, if you have a hard time knowimg what to talk about you can bring up the interest that you knlw that you borh share!!!
it has made it easier for me at least hahah.. ;w; since for me normal conversations and small talk are Anxiety Hell !! and talking about something i rly love makes it way easier, even tho it doesnt remove all of my anxiety ...

I'll make sure to talk to others about my interests! Especially because I'm going to new places soon. Even though I've never been good at going to new places, but I'll give it a shot. Thanks for the advice! ;u;

I definitely know that feeling, haha. As much as I love meeting new people, even just talking to them is enough to make me really anxious. People tend to notice my anxieties very quickly, so I try my hardest with keeping calm as much as I can.
I'm diagnosed with depression and I have very bad anxiety. Also, because my dad has schizophrenia disorder I show early signs of it since it's supposedly genetic. I also hate how people try to glorify mental illness.. It isn't fun at all and it makes you feel like you have to constantly keep in check of it to come off normal on the outside. I think it also motivates me though, because I feel like I'm very self aware of it and all I can think about is I want to do better and be better, and I want to be healthy. Especially seeing up close what it can do to you. It's also taught me that no matter how deep you are in depression that there are always people there for you and care about you <3
Recently got (mostly) over orthorexia, if anyone else on here is struggling with this feel free to talk to me about it
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I suffer from
  • Bipolar
  • Post traumatic stress disorder
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • manic disorder
  • panic attacks
  • social anxiety
my mother also believes I am autistic, she works with autistic children as her job so she knows the symptoms.
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I'm diagnosed with depression and I have very bad anxiety. Also, because my dad has schizophrenia disorder I show early signs of it since it's supposedly genetic. I also hate how people try to glorify mental illness.. It isn't fun at all and it makes you feel like you have to constantly keep in check of it to come off normal on the outside. I think it also motivates me though, because I feel like I'm very self aware of it and all I can think about is I want to do better and be better, and I want to be healthy. Especially seeing up close what it can do to you. It's also taught me that no matter how deep you are in depression that there are always people there for you and care about you <3

This is so true. Depression can be very isolating, anxiety can be very isolating. When you're depressed you may lack motivation to be with other people, when you have anxiety you can hesitate wanting to share your problems with others, for fearing of burdening them. Truth be told, people do care, even if it's in a roundabout way at times, people want to help and okay, they may not always be GREAT, they may not be able to cure your mental health issues, and they may not be able to provide you the best support, but the fact that they are there, cheering you on and spreading love to you is so important to remember, and reminds you that you are of some value on this earth.

I used to suffer badly with depression, especially late last year to early this year, it was suffocating and very hard to deal with. I also got anxiety as a result with my depression. I visited counselors, doctors, my family tried to "help", but ultimately, it was ME who got me better, and that is a really amazing feeling. I won't lie, sometimes I have my bad days. I still get nervous talking to other people, I am shy, I am anxious about new situations, sometimes I wake up and I just lack any motivation and I feel like the world is against me. But knowing that I got over depression, knowing that I got over anxiety, it gives me more strength to know I can get over those little anxiety or depression days again. It seems like it's never-ending, it seems like you will never be able to get better but... The thing that helped me most was letting go of the past, and letting go of feelings that I was holding onto so tight. That was what was bringing me down.

Sometimes you need to just accept life. Things change, people change, life doesn't always go to plan. You may experience a break-up, you may really love them and miss them and wish you could be with them. You may feel angry when they ignore you or abuse you or treat you in a way that you don't deserve because you can't believe that's still the same person you love. But you have to let go and move on, because if you keep clinging onto the past, you can't move onto the future. And the past is sometimes not always desirable. That's what I was like. But when you let go you can realise that you still have so many more opportunities to make your life amazing and to improve yourself. The future is a bright place and when you realise that you can control that and make what you want of it then that's what really brings light to your life. I'm sorry this is really cheesy, but it's just an amazing feeling, being able to "overcome" a mental illness. I know that I am never going to really be over depression, but being able to beat it and realise I'm stronger than that is a beautiful feeling, and I know anyone can do it too. You just have to work out what is holding you back, and you need to let go of it.
i think im possibly adhd. butmy dad is rly scary. so im disciplined and it doesnt exactly affect me now.

- - - Post Merge - - -

also yeah depression but who doesnt have that !! XD
This was really nicely written :) I'm so glad that things have improved for you, and I hope you'll have lots of great days ahead!

I suffer from anxiety. I think I was at my worst mentally a couple of years ago, when I was going through a lapse of depression along with my anxiety, and since then I feel like I've been improving. I would often miss school because I lacked any motivation to go, and then homework and projects and missed tests would pile up on me, and the longer I stayed away from school the more anxious I would get to go back. I'd get too nervous and feel too bad to communicate with my teachers, and I'd always feel like I was being a burden whenever I thought to talk to my friends. I felt awful that I was dismissing both school and my friends but on most days I just felt like I couldn't bring myself to do anything about it. The year after that I wound up going to a different school and things started to get better for me after that. I knew I didn't wanna repeat what had happened the year before so from the very beginning I made sure I didn't miss any school, I stayed on top of my work and I was keeping in contact with my friends. I'd still have bad days when I really didn't feel like getting out of bed and doing any work felt kind of useless, but I knew that if I pushed myself to go and keep myself busy it'd be a lot better for me in the end, and it was.

I still tend to get very anxious about being bothersome to anyone who I talk to and I worry whenever I have anything less than a positive interaction with someone, so that makes it kinda difficult to talk about my problems when I feel like I need to, but I think I've gotten better at learning how to deal with some of them myself.
I suffer from anxiety, autism and probably depression.

I mean, I've tried to kill myself several times, but that's "just for attention"

Oh yeah, the self-harm?? "Just for attention"

Just like how I "think" I'm bisexual.

My parents say a lot of weird things...
After years of suicide attempts and depression, I'm proud to say I'm glad to live. I'm glad I'm alive. I'm glad I have this life. It was only in spring I was so suicidal I attempted suicide weekly, but now I can say I truly feel alive. I don't know how long this will last but I don't want to die anymore. I'm excited to go to school again. I'm not scared of it anymore. I'm free and good things are coming for me. I'm no longer anxious about whether or not I'm good enough. I'm me, and that's good enough.