Actually, self-diagnose can help you figure out if you have a mental illness or no. You can read about and if share some qualities, you can diagnose yourself with it. HOWEVER, you shouldn't go on it alone. If you think you have a mental illness, you should get tested and if you tell the doctor that you may have said illness, they will test you for it. (Perks of being a psychology major because it helps you understand self diagnosing)
Yes, this is what I was trying to say. I mean... It's not okay to just self-diagnose yourself with like every mental illness under the sun because, the chances are very high that you don't have all of those mental illnesses, and you really ought to seek advice from those who are professionally trained as they will be able to provide you with the correct support you need. I mean, the internet was how I found out more about depression, and I started to link some of the common features of depression to my own patterns and behaviours. It was not something I just diagnosed myself with suddenly one day, it was more like a process... A realisation, even. But I didn't just suddenly go: "Yeah, I have trouble paying attention sometimes so I have ADHD", or in my case "I feel sad and cry a lot so I must be depressed", it was more like a process of doing research and taking time to understand what depression was.
also uh does anyone else feel like getting better and maybe even getting to live a life w/o mental illness (even though your illnesses are cureable) would be impossible?
because that's kind of what it feels like to me, I have a friend who tells me that I'm going to get better and "fully become [myself] again!", but that's just... so weird.... I am myself now even tho I'm ****ed up, am I not..?
some mental illnesses will stay with you forever
some like depression can /maybe/ be cured.
but it never really goes away. it just disappears for a decade or two. depression usually comes back
welp, hello. I am cailey, I am nearly 20yrs old, and I was diagnosed with depression at about 13yrs.
they put me on some anti-depressants which at first I couldn't deal with (messed up emotions, loss of appetite, couldn't focus).. basically did the opposite of what it should've done. I was off and on it for a couple years. my childhood was... bad, to say the very least. I really don't want to or feel comfortable giving every detail over some videogame forums, however I will share a few things to give an idea.
at age 6 I waved goodbye to my alcoholic/drug abusing/sexual assaulting father in a courtroom with my mother (biological, I love her, she's my best friend) and my father (he adopted me when I was about 10 and has been with my mom since I was 2 or so) he has raised me because the other one obviously was incapable. after 6 terrifying years, he was gone. attended high school, was bullied throughout and was forced to go to two different schools because of issues at the first one. I had a formspring account (stupid I know) which was something people could ask anonymous questions on... you know where I am going with this. honestly now I have so much confidence in my looks but then.... it was my awkward stage and I did wear funny things, etc. so of course people filled that with anonymous comments about how ugly I was etc. one night, early freshman year, I attempted suicide. my brothers best friend came to the rescue. parents announced a divorce when I was about 15yrs after being married for 15yrs. I left the house. went to my best friends house of 10yrs and stayed with her for a week. my older brother ran off and joined the navy and left. sister moved right out at 18 that year. before they divorced we were fairly wealthy. I had horses, they were my escape. nice house, went to events, vacations (beach every summer, forest every winter since I was 5) it all stopped. house got foreclosed, had to sell all my horses, vacations stopped. I lost my best friend of 10yrs, I basically lived with her. she knew everything. hell, I knew her for 10yrs we had to of been like sisters - we were. she chose a controlling guy over me. one that made him stop seeing me on certain days etc.? I was 15. I am now nearly 20... haven't heard from her since. family started acting flaky (not close to my dads side but my moms started being distant after the divorce).. started hopping around condos with mom.. lost all friends, so did she. more details, but you get the point.
but you know what? I'm happy. happy as can be. and it did, take a LONG time for me to get to this point. I pushed through. after years of therapy, anti-depressants, and loss - I. pushed. through. and you know what, beautiful? you can too. you can do it. because I've been there. not exactly where you've been, but I've been there. you know, that empty useless void you escape to, drowning in suffocating emotions. I have been there. I, too, have spent countless waking hours staring at walls, ceilings, floors... screaming, crying, slamming doors, questioning life. hell, I still cry sometimes. and that, that is okay. I know you're having a hard time, I know all of you are. it saddens me. I know those emotions. but I promise, I promise from the deepest depths of my heart and soul that everything will be okay. you will be okay. you are all so beautiful. so, freaking, beautiful.... I admire you all for how far you've come. I admire you for pushing through, even if you're hanging by a tiny string - you are still here, and I want it to stay that way. the world is beautiful. or it can be. it's how you view things, lovely people. it's how you view things. life is so immensely short. my years so far have flown by - it's almost scary.
I have found beautiful boy to spend my years with. we just recently went on 5yrs of dating and now 2yrs of living together in a cute little apartment in the city. we adopted two cats together and snuggle each other to sleep every night. I talk to my mom everyday and we give each other support. I graduate dental school tomorrow, can you believe it!? I'm actually going to be a dental assistant when I remembered being at that stand still the night I attempted way back thinking I could never do anything of that matter and yet I graduate tomorrow........ it's unbelievable. my family is coming around again.. my depression is fading. surround yourself with things you love. I plan to adopt a horse in the next few years, move out of state, go on more adventures, eat amazing food, buy myself some cute clothes, have a child in a few years, get married around the same time...... life has so much to offer. you just have to accept its gifts...
I love all of you. I admire all of you. I encourage you all to keep treading. and I encourage you to feel free to pm me anytime you ever need me. I am always, always here because I know how it is to be the only person on this earth - or at least feel like it.
you are all so much stronger than you think, you beautiful humans. keep going, good things are coming your way.
* might delete post later as I feel it's really personal and hurts me to read I guess - depends on the responses I get. if it's motivational or inspirational I'll keep it up I suppose.. ; u ;
I have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Most people only know it as "autism" but I sometimes feel myself lucky that I can write and talk and stuff. I am very high functioning but also suffer from depression and anxiety. I was diagnosed when I was 12, most people said I was behavioral, so I didn't get the attention I needed. That's why I was diagnosed so late. I saw my first psychologist at age 6.
I sometimes feel like I don't deserve what I have, such as 2 published books and an over-80% average in almost every subject. Whenever I tell people I'm autistic, it's one of the two answers "yeah..." or "What!? Really!?" some people figured I had something wrong with me because of all my outbursts and some people only believe it because of my outbursts. Anyways I hope everyone feels better. It's not an easy life, being mentally ill. I hope everyone understands that.
Are these self-explanatory or did y'all really go to the doctors and they told you were diagnosed with sucha such. Kawaiilotus just said they discover they had adhd less than a hour ago makes me think you just look up adhd symptoms and believe that out of 1/10 of those things, you have it.
It's kinda hard telling the difference between people who really has it or just don't.
That's the sad thing about the Internet, you'll have people who really have it and may need help then you have those who just think it's a game and just want some attention.
I remember when I was like around 13 and I assume I had bipolar depression because of my constant mood swings(turns out to be puberty) and I was mentally fine.
Now that I'm older, I have clinical depression. This begin to adapt since the passing of my mother. I'm not suicidal, oh no. I fear dying for seeing my life-less mom face to face traumatized me. My constant overthinking made me stress. My stress prevents me from doing anything. Me doing nothing prevents me from enjoying anything. And I can hardly enjoy anything cause of my prone fear of dying so anxiety comes into place.
I take medicine and I'm about to go to counseling again
Sadly, I think most people diagnose themself with such things as depression by indeed, looking up the symptoms. I don't know why tho, I know you might be relified when you get to hear your diagnose from a doctor but this. Besides, a lot of people still don't accept that there's a difference between feeling down and being depressed.
Don't get me wrong, if you're diagnosed by a doctor, well, congrats on your diagnose, that must be a relief. I think society claims us all to have all kinds of mental deseases. Oh you feel stressed and can't work? Well you must have a mental desease or something, stress disorder or whatever. In the end the attention whores who claim these things will die in hole by themself anyway.
Sadly, I think most people diagnose themself with such things as depression by indeed, looking up the symptoms. I don't know why tho, I know you might be relified when you get to hear your diagnose from a doctor but this. Besides, a lot of people still don't accept that there's a difference between feeling down and being depressed.
Don't get me wrong, if you're diagnosed by a doctor, well, congrats on your diagnose, that must be a relief. I think society claims us all to have all kinds of mental deseases. Oh you feel stressed and can't work? Well you must have a mental desease or something, stress disorder or whatever. In the end the attention whores who claim these things will die in hole by themself anyway.