Now's the perfect time to vent about my frustrations with my mental illness.
I have a learning disability, Bipolar Disorder, OCD, and Anxiety. I struggled with school since as long as I can remember. In the 3rd grade, my school psychologist thought I had ADD, so I was put on medication for the rest of the year. All it did was kill my appetite, give me severe nausea, and make me exhausted at the end of lunchtime during class. My mom didn't take those symptoms as a sign that I didn't have ADD, so she just kept making me try different medications to treat it. She eventually gave up forcing me to take medications by the time I reached 6th grade.
(Fast forward to puberty)
Literally out of nowhere, I experienced deepest feelings of hatred, confusion, and depression. No, this wasn't the typical "angst/crazy hormone stage" that almost every typical adolescent goes through. It was something completely different... and my gut told me. Whenever I told my mom about how I was feeling, she swept it under the rug and told me it was completely normal and I was just trying to get attention. All it did was make me cry and wonder, "So... if everybody experiences this, why aren't they showing signs of it around me? Why don't they talk about it out loud? Aren't these feelings supposed to be talked about out loud? They should. It's AWFUL. Maybe I'm just weak... maybe I'm not strong enough to handle these feelings... maybe I'm not supposed to handle them... maybe... maybe..."
I tried to get my mom's attention in a positive manner. (There is positive attention and negative attention.) Positive attention didn't work, so I used negative attention out of desperation.
I feel stupid for bringing this up, but I cut myself. A lot. I did everything in my power to make her notice it. I'd purposely show my arms and legs in front of her. I never showed them at school because my friends were already concerned about me and I didn't want to stress them out.
It didn't work, so I gave up on the cutting and let my mental illnesses control me.
I had outstandingly impressive grades in middle school, but only because I would literally hit myself if I caught myself not paying attention/understanding my homework when I got home. If I looked away from my paper for a couple of minutes and noticed, I would hit/punch myself in the stomach until welts and bruises made my body their home. If I didn't understand a problem on the paper, I would pull pieces of my hair out. If I needed to use an eraser, I bit the inside of my lip until it bled. If the results on my calculator didn't match my answers, I wanted to kill myself. I needed to feel perfect; to be perfect. What's horrible is that I knew perfection was impossible. I KNEW that perfection wasn't a title I could claim. I thought I was a weirdo. I felt like a dried up worm in a world full of shiny race cars. Weird comparison, but it's true.
Body image later became a huge issue. I'm a girl, so of course I was bombarded with unhealthy beauty standards from every source imaginable. I ate 5,000+ calories after doing homework as a therapeutic routine I *had* to do and I found out how to throw it all up. I never gained weight. (In fact, I lost a lot of it. Too much.) I threw up after every meal later on.
I don't want to go more into my past because after reading over what I wrote so far, I feel gross. All I'll do is end with a few more statements.
I still have OCD.
I still have Anxiety.
I still have Bipolar Disorder.
I still have Bulimia. (It's less severe than before.)
I used to take medication for them all until this year. My psychiatrist doesn't know.
I'm still confused.
I'm still struggling to learn and succeed as fast as everyone else.
Things have gotten better in my life, but not at all at the same time.
I don't know.
I'm tired.
I'm sad.
I'm happy though.
(Blame the Bipolar...)
Nobody knows it about my illnesses except my family and my psychiatrist.
In fact, everybody I know thinks I'm one of the happiest people ever.
I know how to cope and shield what I have. I'll fake it till I make it, I guess.