Miitomo General Discussion

I still play my Miitomo app daily, mostly for the daily rewards, get some coins, and earn My Nintendo points.
Well, looks like Nintendo is going to stop supporting Miitomo in May 9th at 3 AM ET! Oh, and you won't be able to purchase Miitomo coin anymore as of now.

Source: https://gonintendo.com/stories/300434-miitomo-official-english-notification-for-the-end-of-service

This is a little sad, though part of me isn't surprised that it's closing down, I just thought it would have lasted a little bit longer than only two years. I had a lot of fun with my sister and her bf using this app, but the friends I had added didn't stick around for very long; within a few months it was just the three of us, but I didn't mind all that much. It's true that there isn't much to do in the app, it is purely a dress-up simulator for your Mii, but there was always a constant flow of new costumes coming that made me think that Nintendo would continue to support it for a while yet. I guess the activity has really dropped off for it to no longer be worth supporting for them, which is understandable. Still a bit sad about it even though I haven't used it in a couple months now. Good memories of a couple summers ago.
Bleeh this sucks, this and ACPC are like the only things I play on my phone.. one more game to delete in may though. I guess it's nice of them to give us **** until then but yeah they could bring back some drop stages lol :(
Bleeh this sucks, this and ACPC are like the only things I play on my phone.. one more game to delete in may though. I guess it's nice of them to give us **** until then but yeah they could bring back some drop stages lol :(

That would be nice, although I wish they'd transfer the Mii costumes to consoles to make it more worthwhile, similar to the way Xbox lets you dress up your avatar. There's some really nice assets on there that I feel are going to complete waste if they were made exclusively for the mobile app. Plus I'm sure some people actually dropped real bucks to get stuff, and for it to disappear into the aether after only two years is such a waste (I dunno who would spend money on Miitomo though but there's always people out there who do). They should really update the Switch to allow that, that's assuming the Switch still uses Miis, I don't know since I don't have one.
That would be nice, although I wish they'd transfer the Mii costumes to consoles to make it more worthwhile, similar to the way Xbox lets you dress up your avatar. There's some really nice assets on there that I feel are going to complete waste if they were made exclusively for the mobile app. Plus I'm sure some people actually dropped real bucks to get stuff, and for it to disappear into the aether after only two years is such a waste (I dunno who would spend money on Miitomo though but there's always people out there who do). They should really update the Switch to allow that, that's assuming the Switch still uses Miis, I don't know since I don't have one.

Yeah but then they would have to update the 3ds/wii u/switch for the outfit and hats things and i'd guess that'd be too much for em lol. you can still have it on my nintendo in some way i think. and yeah i only dropped "leftovers" rlc on miitomo like if i bought something in another game and had a few left on my app store account i'd get coins lol.

but yeah even though it's like a bit less than 4 months still dumb of em to abruptly end it..
I just found out their reasoning about the closure of Miitomo service.

Nintendo said:
Why are you terminating the Miitomo service at this time?

We see this app as accomplishing a portion of our goal of getting Nintendo IP (in this case, Mii characters) into the hands of consumers across a variety of environments worldwide. At the same time, we?ve seen the number of ongoing users for the app decrease.

We have decided to discontinue this service so that we can better optimize our operational resources across our entire smart device business.

So basically, the app wasn't popular enough for Nintendo to make it worth maintaining in the long run.

Source: http://nintendoeverything.com/miitomo-shutdown-qa-from-nintendo-reason-for-closure-no-refunds-more/
Well, they could have handled the app better I won't disagree but eh there are others app they could remove first lol
That would be nice, although I wish they'd transfer the Mii costumes to consoles to make it more worthwhile, similar to the way Xbox lets you dress up your avatar. There's some really nice assets on there that I feel are going to complete waste if they were made exclusively for the mobile app. Plus I'm sure some people actually dropped real bucks to get stuff, and for it to disappear into the aether after only two years is such a waste (I dunno who would spend money on Miitomo though but there's always people out there who do). They should really update the Switch to allow that, that's assuming the Switch still uses Miis, I don't know since I don't have one.
they do support miis but it's been majorly back-seated and whatever as the only use is a profile picture..

Well rip my dreams and dreams of miitomo+Nintendo switch! It coulda been so sweet.. like a replacement Miiverse but I'd use it!
Yeah but then they would have to update the 3ds/wii u/switch for the outfit and hats things and i'd guess that'd be too much for em lol. you can still have it on my nintendo in some way i think. and yeah i only dropped "leftovers" rlc on miitomo like if i bought something in another game and had a few left on my app store account i'd get coins lol.

but yeah even though it's like a bit less than 4 months still dumb of em to abruptly end it..

It's better than those assets going to waste. There are tons of costumes in this game modelled specifically for Miis, I just feel it's a waste to have their artists put in so much effort to create them and for them to have absolutely no longevity despite Mii characters being Nintendo's own avatar system. The Wii U is a dead console, there's no reason for them to waste their time adding the update to that, but the 3DS and Switch would be much more interesting with some Mii customisation. Then again, they aren't exactly doing much with the Miis now from the looks of things, unless they have something in the works in the form of another app, whether it's on mobile or something for the Switch. It's a big peeve of mine to see work like that go to waste, it drives me nuts to think of the time investment creating these, only for them to become worthless after just two years lol.
I haven‘t played Miitomo for almost a year (or two? When did it launch it again...? Feels like an eternity has passed since then...), but reading the announcement that it‘s going to shut down reminded me of how much fun the Miifoto option was. I wish they‘d at least keep that one functionality of the game alive, as it‘s not reliant on any online infrastructure in itself.

... But oh well, at least they warned us of the end of the service in advance so we can at least save our old Miifotos. I have way too many of those stupid things:
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Miifoto's were the best aha.

But yeah it's a waste indeed they're just gonna let it die just because "fewer uses and users". Well how many actually uses Super Mario Run and whatnot? Which is probably one of the more stupid game models I've seen so I'm very surprised it's still there :|

And yeah I know Wii U is kinda "dead" but at least it still has Wi-fi support, right?
Miifoto's were the best aha.

But yeah it's a waste indeed they're just gonna let it die just because "fewer uses and users". Well how many actually uses Super Mario Run and whatnot? Which is probably one of the more stupid game models I've seen so I'm very surprised it's still there :|

And yeah I know Wii U is kinda "dead" but at least it still has Wi-fi support, right?

True, I wonder how long it'll be before they decide to sack WiFi for the Wii U? It was a sad day when services for the Wii and DS were shut down, that also felt premature. I haven't heard anything about Super Mario Run since it's release, so I have no idea what sort of state that's in, but I think it's safe to say that Fire Emblem Heroes has been Nintendo's most successful app so far, it's bringing in massive buck for them. I think Miitomo was a great concept, and it did pretty well for their first foray into the mobile market, but the content was far too stale to guarantee an active player base so I can see why it's being killed off so soon. I think the last major update was.... early last year? I forget, honestly. I reckon they've probably noticed the decline in activity for a while now and that's why they ceased production on any substantial updates since. There just wasn't enough to keep people coming back, you can only answer so many questions about yourself before the app turns into a costume collector, and outside of commenting on other answers there was little to no friend interaction. Had it been more like Tomodachi Life, I think people wouldn't have been so quick to uninstall.

Miifoto is great though. I do agree that in itself would make a great stand-alone app to mess around with. This whole thing is reminding me of when Swapnote was killed off due to imagery abuse, and I think it's been replaced with something much more watered down to prevent that, so they may do something similar with Miitomo.