
So Jackal was testing out the server things.. and well, safe to say TBT can have a second server/Frosty 1.
We'll sort out all the details soon, me and Jackal are going to have a roam around, find a good spot etc.
Update t'day. <div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;"> SMP has Day and Night. Pigs and sheep spawn in SMP but as of now can't be killed by the player. Fences can be made by crafting sticks in a 3x2 rectangle. They're considered 1 block high, but you can't jump over 'em. Milk can now be emptied from buckets. </div>
So I've started a new file on the old Minecraft.
It's going pretty well so far, starting out on Normal. Getting my gear together for the next big push towards somewhere where I want to hold up for the coming nights. (for the most part now, it's in the side of a cliff)
I've recently started up a new file on hard, as I used to play on Peaceful. I got a record from a creeper after a skeleton killed it. :3
Set up a great new base camp, in the side of a mountain. Got a nice view of the valley, which has plenty of caves to find some good things in (hopefully).
I'll post pictures/a video soon.
I'm building an aqueduct. One of several ambitious building plans I have in the back of my mind.
I got a cave that I'm currently excavating, might make my base there. Just need help with getting back to it.
Aaaaggghhh! Raging so much. I was just going around the new cave I have near my base... and I fell into deep lava and died! sdsagdfhbsgfibnxsrgf
I lost all my stuff. My Iron, diamonds... god dammit! AND I don't even know where I went to get there. *censored.3.0*.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">