minimang has every bug now.

minimang said:
Exploit of game, Time Traveling: yes.

Right, atleast we agree on something.

You time-travel because you prefer to cheat your way into "completing" the game and I prefer to play the game how it was meant to be played. Glad we sorted that out.

the way to play a game is the way you have fun playing it. I have nothing against anyone except haters that hate on other peoples' fun. BULLY!
minimang said:

the way to play a game is the way you have fun playing it. I have nothing against anyone except haters that hate on other peoples' fun. BULLY!
I never said there was anything wrong with time travelling, just that it's cheating and unfair to everyone else that's playing. Go ahead and cheat if that's how you have fun.
and lol Ill stop time traveling after I get all the fish!
and fossils... and paintings... and gyroids... and complete my catalog... and get a perfect town... and tile the entire town something... then get 999,999,999 bells via turnips... and then... err...

Who says that I could give or do anything that would ruin normal players' games?
It's not like I can magically get infinite bells, then just give them out. >_>

I just keep it summer >:D
minimang said:
and lol Ill stop time traveling after I get all the fish!
and fossils... and paintings... and gyroids... and complete my catalog... and get a perfect town... and tile the entire town something... then get 999,999,999 bells via turnips... and then... err...
And then you will regret time travelling because you'll have nothing else to do after only playing for a month or two.
Jas0n said:
minimang said:
and lol Ill stop time traveling after I get all the fish!
and fossils... and paintings... and gyroids... and complete my catalog... and get a perfect town... and tile the entire town something... then get 999,999,999 bells via turnips... and then... err...
And then you will regret time travelling because you'll have nothing else to do after only playing for a month or two.
seriously, I tried it on the gcn version, it just zapped time and made me bored after a while...
I know. I've had all 3 games. This game does not get old, you can always find something new to do... and then you start a new character, and do not time travel with him as you get everything with your first char. >_>
minimang said:
how is it unfair to anyone else?
It's not like I give the stuff I'd earn away... o.0
Because you can collect furniture sets from holidays/gracies that nobody else can get until those dates and I know a lot of people, including myself, who like to know where they stand when it comes to how quickly they're catching fish/bugs compared to other people but when people time travel that completely screws that up.
@Jas0n: then do not compare your rates with such people. >_>
@Daisy: lol I bet i'm younger than you xDD Im 13 :3
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