Holy ****... I'm sorry Menchie, you had an incredibly tough role for your first mafia game, yikes. I hope this doesn't put you off joining in other games around here - it looks like there are some interesting games in the queue coming up.
To answer the questions Curry asked of me in post # 375, regarding my 1st reads post # 266 :
Amanda, great job on such a detailed reads post in your first game! (Way better than any of mine lol) I have a few follow up questions for it though: now that Daniel has flipped blue and he was one of your slight scum possibilities, have your opinions on people like Athena or Duck (also scum possibilities) changed at all? Is there anyone with Daniel's flip that you may have thought to be town but have your opinion changed because of the Daniel result?
The simple answer at the time, and prior to the results of today's lynch was : no.
(Side Note : I have to stick with userames so I can keep track of who is whom when writing, though I can follow any name people use in their posts so long as it's in the OP.)
Damniel was of interest to me based largely on the concerns of experienced players - this caused me to notice his posts more and find his comments more and more suspicious as either cult or hostile 3rd party as time went on. In the lead up to his claim I was still drafting a post of my own, a task I kept sidelining and then abandoned when he did claim. I had been leaning incresingly towards voting for him until that final part of the lead up and then the claim. My post was along the lines of : "I can't reconcile Damniel's contributions with a pro-town win condition" with some references. To be clear : whilst I would not have put as much weight on the "evidence" against him without the multiple references of other players, I had definitely noticed some oddities in his posts that I would have puzzled over by myself anyway. Obviously, I was wrong, rather drastically. The best I can figure is he was trying to draw negative attention - before claiming - in order to decide who to shoot (his role was a 2-shot vigilant?, right?), and his ability to role-claim such an important pro-town role was meant to save him from a mis-lynch if necessary. Which should have worked but... it didn't.
So losing him was absolutely terrible for town from any perspetive. Before he claimed I could find no reason to account for his posts and the concerns experienced players had about his playstyle aside from him being cult/hostile 3rd party. After he claimed, and flipped, I can see his contributions in a pro-town light.
Which brings me to Athena Cykes : I was dead wrong there. I hadn't been nearly as sceptical of Damniel as I had been of Athena Cykes (and Duck), and yet she was town. I don't know if I'm just trying to find any silver lining I can at this point or not but : unlike Damniel, losing Athena Cykes doesn't seem all-around bad. Obviously he had a blue role and she was a vanilla townie (hoping I'm using these terms properly, please correct me if not) ; but his contributions were actually pro-town, and I'm not currently finding the same with Athena Cykes. If anything, her contributions as a pro-town player make even less sense to me now, especially in light of her last-second posts to the thread, than they did at the time I decided to vote for her (rather than switch to voting Toadsworthy). Whilst lynching any pro-town player is bad for town, I honestly cannot convince myself losing a very confusing/unproductive pro-town player is *that* bad. Of course, this is in isolation to the fact that we lost 2 more pro-town players from mod-killing at the same time.
Having been so very wrong with Damniel and Athena Cykes (albeit for different reasons), I'm not sure whether to stick with my initial impressions (which haven't changed at this point), or abandon logic and assume Duck must be pro-town and just carry on with the premise that this is an upside-down-town thing so those I consider most pro-town must be cult/hostile 3rd parties... but I think I'm going to stick with logic and try re-evaluating everyone from scratch.
I have print-outs, highlighters, sticky-notes, a million coloured pens, blank sheets of paper, and a bajillion tabs open on 3 different devices right now : I'll have my 2nd reads list up by tonight (it's 12:40pm my time now).