Toad, who do you think is cult?
I honestly don't know what to think anymore.... if this is to try to see who I am bussing, because you think I'm cult. Ok, this won't do much help anyway later.
I really just think Tom is cult, something deep down tells me its true. Abe has probably been recruited by now. He actually is self-deprecating which is a huge change for him, never has he even once come close to admitting that he was wrong, and I don't know why he started now.
The more chrys freaks out at me, the more I think she actually is town because I can understand why she would get so pissed about me. But I won't back down, because I'm not cult.
Tae could very well be lying, get that through your head now guys, because it very well could be a reality. You gonna give me so much crap for saying this, but get ready for your world to be rocked. Not saying he is, just saying its gonna come down to do we have a framer? or is Tae lying?
@heyden do you think I'm cult?
There's panda's quietness and Fleshy too, but I'm not sold on Fleshy begin cult at all.
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The only thing with Tae lying, is that he had to pick Athena as right too.... so keep that in mind for later discussions, although if he was on cult, he would know what to say to keep his inspections correct.