That I'm liberal/left-wing
People tend to believe that if I mostly say things that speaks against right-wing/conservative ideology or officials or that I dismiss certain issues and choose equality over a proposed solution to said problem that would affect other people that it automatically means I am a liberal, support the democratic party, am an alt-leftist/SJW etc.
I'm not into politics like that at all, as it in general as I feel like I lose braincells upon just hearing about it. A lot of the stuff I might say on the topics is just my social views and personal morality and has nothing to do with politics at all. A lot of it is just my take on what I think is the right thing to do in general, and has nothing to do with what may look to be "legally the right thing to do". There's a lot of things that can be put in place in law that would be beneficial or help a situation, but I may not support it simply on the aspect of that the affects of it goes against my moral values, but I wouldn't go out protesting about it at all.
Ironically, when I was younger, I was mistooken as a conservative even though I never supported right-wing/republican at all and although at the time agreed with some of the things they believed (but grew up and changed), I'd never politically support or vote for them as I honestly never cared that much.
Oftentimes, I get these statements from moderates or people from the opposite site of whatever political spectrum they are accusing me of, so I'm suspecting these statements are just so they can talk against any ideas that "threaten" their political views, even though like I said they aren't as I'm no "opponent" of them at all. They seem to take as if what I say makes me another person or vote that they have to go against. However, that isn't the case. I'm not saying them talking against my ideas are bad, as I understand why exactly they are doing it. They have a particular viewpoint that they zealously support. It's just I'm not really the type of person they should be wasting their time doing that with, as even if they were to persuade me to their side, I'm not actually ON their SIDE because I don't partake in politics. They should be bring that to the actual people that do, and if that misconception about me supporting a particular political party was cleared up, it would save them the wasted time to senseless debates with me about political topics, as what I say on them are speaking in general, and have nothing to do with law or politics.
That the reason why I know what I know is because "I'm just smart"
This is annoying to me, as I get this at school very often. They think that my ability to learn certain things on my own or in school in various subject, and the reason why I get As is because "I'm just smart". I work my butt off a lot and have even to force myself to study when I feel tired in order to do this stuff. Often, I have to seek outside sources to delve deeper into things. with that being said...
That the stuff I know is off of some rote memorization
I will admit that some stuff I know off of rote, but there is more effort that goes into learning certain things other than rote. One time, I told someone a complex formula perfectly and I was asked "how do you memorize all of this?", not knowing that I had to research about the origin of the formula, so I knew the formula by understanding what other more simpler formulas it was derived from, it's transformations and how it applies to what the formula is supposed to do.
That because I'm gay means I like you (referring to some guys I come out to)
I don't know what logic people get this from. Just because I tell you I'm gay and you are a guy does not mean I like you. If I do, I'll tell you myself, then you can say that. I especially hate guys that reiterate it. That starts to come off as homophobia rather than them just trying to say "I don't swing that way". I would understand if they popped up the question or something out of curiousity, but the way some straight guys are about it by automatically assuming it is ridiculous, as if they have some sort of problem with a gay guy liking them
(Internet) That I'm a girl (when I say I like guys or talk about guys being "hot" etc.)
I don't take much offense to this, but it is pretty funny that this is something that is often mistaken of me as I wonder what exactly makes them think I'm a girl. Like, is it the way I speak? I know I don't stereotypically speak very "masculine" I guess XD . In real life, people often insultingly say "I act like a girl." ; that did bother me but that's another story for another time.
That if I mention about older games compared to newer games that I don't like that I'm "nostalgia blind"
First off, I'm 16 years old. Exactly how possibly nostagia blind could I possibly be? What, do you think the opinion of a 7-10 year old would be any better because they are born into the new gaming era? Most likely they wouldn't, as those same people would just dismiss their ideas because "their a child". However, at the same time they think that if I am not just automatically just agreeing to decisions made with a newer game in the series compared to it's predecessors I may have played when I was younger automatically means I'm "nostalgia blind". Or... y'know I could just not be agreeing to decisions made with a newer game in the series compared it's predecessors... ever though about that?
That if I constantly praise/constantly complain about a Nintendo, that it makes me a Nintendo fanboy/Nintendo hater
The same thing applies here. These are false assumptions of coincidental events. I might just happen to not like or like pretty much every thing they are doing at the moment. But that would just be too much like the more logical thing to assume first.
I would go into more, but I think I'll start with this and maybe give some more later.