Misreading and Mishearing

Captain Crazy Chicken

The bad guys are pirates?
Dec 14, 2014
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I misread a lot of things (my mind omits letters when the text is small enough).

Instances include Tolielip - Toelip and Barbaracle - Barbacle.

I hate misreading words...

What's YOUR notable cases of misreading/mishearing something?
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I'm not sure if I have any notable cases but I just read things too fast in general and misread things often, then I say them out loud in conversation and get weird looks. Mishearing isn't really a huge issue, but I've got memory issues so I forget a lot of what I hear. Not sure if that counts haha.
i love misreading words, it makes life more exciting. mishearing things just makes my life more complicated.
I mishear a lot of things, I don't have examples, but when I mishear something, it's generally not just a word but the whole sentence. Misread ..sometimes, but the worst is writing and talking, I have like some weird auto-correct in my mind, which makes me write and say lot of nonsense. Like writing "really" instead of "rarely", or "ready" instead of "reading" or call the sofa=refrigerator and the shed=convenience store... WHY????? It doesn't even sound alike!!!
Because of that some people think I write with an auto-correct, I don't, I don't have any auto-correct on my computer and I don't have a phone. It's just me writing nonsense.
Usually if you're not looking at me and I don't know you are talking to me, it's like you're not even there. I don't see or hear you at all. People probably have to repeat themselves a lot to me. Which is probably annoying, because I HATE having to repeat myself to other people. Haha.

I also find a lot of the time when I'm typing or texting, I add words without even thinking about it that shouldn't be there. I'm a fast typer, and I guess I'm just used to typing certain words maybe, Idk.
I don't think I've ever really misheard anything, but misread a lot. I think it just doesn't click inside my head right away and I only get a small portion of when I read. That's why I always make it a point to reread, especially if I'm researching or doing a class reading.
I also misheard MasaeAnela's quote about Pink (winged) Pikmin as "pikpikpik", I believe. I had to talk to her so I could clarify what she said.
I do mishear and misread things a lot, but I just forget what I hear or read in its place soon afterward...
I'm always doing it. It gets a bit embarrassing at times, especially in conversation.
I've had letters and appointments where I've misread something and gone on the phone to moan at them about it and it turns out that it was my mistake in the end ;)
Well, I always apologise (mostly).
hahhh yeah it can get quite embarrassing, especially if you mishear something because in an irl conversation you have to communicate much faster than online .... i usually forget about it and move on tho, often the mishearing is not too bad and doesn't make anyone seriously upset lmaooo. it's a bit worse when a mishearing leads to misunderstandings and confusion but uugbh ;W;
I have dyslexia, so I mean... I mix up tons of letters and often have to re-read stuff because I jumbled stuff around and it made no sense. I can't think of any notable times I've done it but I do it constantly.
I mishear things more than I misread things - it always makes me laugh though because I hear the craziest things sometimes
There's this one meme I used to see all the time on iFunny, and it said, "Before and after alcohol." but literally every time I see it, I read it as "Before and after school." It never made sense to me so I had to keep rereading until I realized I had been misreading it the whole time
I misread a lot of things. I'm such a slow reader because I need to absorb every word or I'll probably misread it and then pronounce it wrong in the future. My brain often leaves out letters or shortens it for no reason.

Also, growing up in Korea with parents who pronounce things differently might be a factor lol. For example, my mom always says "devlop" and not "develop" which messed me up a few times. I've also ALWAYS had trouble pronouncing "variety". For some reason when I first read this word I thought it was pronounced "vi-arity" and I can't kick the habit lol. When I'm speaking really fast and I have to use that word I always end up stopping or slowing down so I can pronounce it properly.