I use desktop way more just because last time I used the mobile version wasn't a fantastic experience.... But also, to be fair, it was a couple years ago now and also on a not-so-great phone, so not tbt's fault
I use desktop way more just because last time I used the mobile version wasn't a fantastic experience.... But also, to be fair, it was a couple years ago now and also on a not-so-great phone, so not tbt's fault
I use mobile more often just because it's more convenient when I'm checking the forums on my lunch break or something, but I prefer my laptop for typing out long replies, updating collectible line-ups, or doing anything complicated. I'm hoping TBT 3.0 will make using the forum on mobile a lot easier.
100% desktop; that is where I do everything since I like the control and fast typing.
My phone is ancient, so the only reason I would be using it is if I cannot sleep.
Desktop most of the time because going mobile on to this website is a pain because you have to zoom in just so you don't accidentally click on the wrong link. I don't know about the mobile version though.