Mobile or desktop?

Desktop or mobile?

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Mobile as I'm on my phone more often than my laptop.
I prefer desktop for the optimal internet experience, but these days I find myself surfing the internet more via a mobile device.
Mobile is just easier for me to do, so I use it more than a desktop computer. I honestly can't go anywhere without my smartphone.
desktop, i type faster on a keyboard and prefer a bigger screen. i also built my own PC soooo i should be getting more use out of it, lol
Currently mobile since I don't have a PC but I'm trying to save up for one. I'll still probably use tbt mostly on mobile because it's always with me and I'm addicted 🤣
Desktop. I prefer using my laptop for browsing any websites since it's a lot easier to view them and type if necessary, and since I'm basically at home 99% of the time these days, I don't really need to use my phone to check things on the internet.
Desktop! I spend much of my day just chilling at my desktop, so tabbing over to TBT is fairly convenient. Typing and scrolling on mobile feels like more of an effort for me.
I was surprised more people don't use mobile. 85% of the time I browse this site on my phone. It's quicker than booting up my computer and the forum software works pretty well on it. If I am using my computer already I do check for notifications on here though.
I only ever use TBT on my desktop. I generally like the viewing experience better on my computer, and I don't honestly use my phone for browsing all that much. I don't like to use up too much charge on it from just browsing, so I only use it for really quick stuff. 😅
i feel like i'm on mobile more often but i do prefer the desktop version of tbt! if i'm hanging around at home i'll usually have it open on my desktop but if i'm out and about, i'll rely on the mobile version. nothing beats the full experience of using the desktop version 😊
I only use mobile If i want to check in on here while I'm out, otherwise I prefer the layout of desktop
I only use mobile considering my phone is my only access to the internet. It’s been that way for the longest time and I’m okay with it. It’s not frustrating at all to be restricted to a mobile device. I’d actually find it more tedious to adapt to a desktop or laptop. The phone works for me, so I’m sticking with it.
im on here 24/7 so im mobile most of the time lol. i also use my laptop to look at tbt but i feel more comfortable using my phone to reply to threads
Desktop, hands down.

I only use my mobile browser for emergencies or when I only need to check one tiny thing on google. Even when I do use my mobile, I find myself ticking the 'Use Desktop site' button wherever it's available.
Mobile simply because I tend to hope on while I'm doing other stuff, or when I can't sleep.
Mobile definitely. I’ve been fully mobile for a while now. I have a laptop but I really can’t remember the last time that I used it. Even back then I mostly used my laptop to play Sims games. I’ve been able to pretty much do everything from work and just personal business things in my phone. I’m glad things these days are pretty much mobile friendly.