Money Making

man u peeps must be seriously poor

turnips are the way to go

i swear man if you just wait till a good selling date

get a friends mem card

buy 1 mill worth of turnips (if u have that much)

and then sell them and then go back with th money u got and buy more ~!~!~!~
Krool said:
Lol I just go look for the golden spots and live off that. :|
fishing makes a bunch of money, especially in the morning, just go to the ocean and load up on knifejaws and snappers, otherwise i just rely on fossils or my fruit orchards.
Lots of things. Fishing mainly, but also selling fossils and selling furniture and even dabbling in the turnip trade!

i sell birthday items and xmas items alot of people dont think that u can gget xmas items and bday items but U CAN!