Shop Monga`s shop Online

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ok :)

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opened :)

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tell me if your getting errors
Hello. Do you have zodiac rabbit, zodiac dog, aries rocking chair, 7-11 set, afternoon tea-set, and lunar-horizon wall? :)
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Hello! I'd like to order these:
- laptop
- office chair
- hologram machine
- marine song 2001 (5k)
- spring blossoms (5k)
- regal bookcase
- rope partition​

I ordered these a few days ago but can't pick up because I was playing with someone. : (
Can I still order? All for 30k. your town or mine?

EDIT: I can pick them up after 30 minutes if you accept my order!
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milkbae 2,6 mil

plantlet my town I open my gate ok let me know when you are ready
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