MHX(Monster Hunter Generations) talk?
I promised a hunting buddy of mine that I wouldn't watch any videos on MHX because it would spoil things for me and he didn't watch any,so he wants all of us to stay on the same knowledge level.Though he's read things on wikia about it.
Decided to make this so we could have somewhere to talk about it,since I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it,lie what you look forward to,what you already know about the game,what do you want the game to bring back,etc
I know when the game comes out,I'm starting off with my main weapon I used in MH4U,the longsword.And when it comes out,if any of you guys want to add me so we can hunt together,feel free to PM me~ xx
I promised a hunting buddy of mine that I wouldn't watch any videos on MHX because it would spoil things for me and he didn't watch any,so he wants all of us to stay on the same knowledge level.Though he's read things on wikia about it.
Decided to make this so we could have somewhere to talk about it,since I'm curious to hear your thoughts on it,lie what you look forward to,what you already know about the game,what do you want the game to bring back,etc
I know when the game comes out,I'm starting off with my main weapon I used in MH4U,the longsword.And when it comes out,if any of you guys want to add me so we can hunt together,feel free to PM me~ xx
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