Cycling Morelia Freebies -Leaving ->

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Hgghnnn not sure if waaaannttt... ; ; I have so many peppy and smug villagers it's not even funny.
May I please take Rosie if available!
Please and thank you!
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Right now Ameer looks like the one that will get Rosie, but I not sure if you want her Redire since you replied first.
Right now Ameer looks like the one that will get Rosie, but I not sure if you want her Redire since you replied first.

Yay! Thank you so much! What's your FC i'll pick her up now uwu!
Lol dang missed it. Grats!
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Added you. Tell me if gates are open or If i get her :eek:

Thank you so so much!
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im looking for elvis!! please dont void him

I'll try to get him to move tonight if you're online because there are not much Elvis seekers out there :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Pashmina is in boxes. If there is no interest, I think I'll keep her in my main town.
I'll try to get him to move tonight if you're online because there are not much Elvis seekers out there :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Pashmina is in boxes. If there is no interest, I think I'll keep her in my main town.

Its actually 1am here so im going to bed. Ill be up in about 8 hrs though.
I would love to get Pashmina, how would I go about getting her? She is on my dream team wish list.
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