Cycling Morelia Freebies -Leaving ->

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Aww Bob sadness. Was he adopted yet?
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i got elvis from another cycler so your elvis can go to another home :)
I am going to play soccer(football) and I'll be back in two hours. I hope someone will be interested in Freya when I return
I know Nymeri has them as a dreamie, but I don't think they're online... :/ Will try and contact them.
If no one else claims her by the time you get back I can come get her. I know some are looking for her so I can foster her in my sons town. Were on the road right now but should be there in a couple of hours.
I know Nymeri has them as a dreamie, but I don't think they're online... :/ Will try and contact them.

Ill be back later so hopefully Nymeri comes online in a couple hours.

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If no one else claims her by the time you get back I can come get her. I know some are looking for her so I can foster her in my sons town. Were on the road right now but should be there in a couple of hours.

Thanks, I appreciate it. If no claims her, Ill see you soon then
Freya is a huge dreamie of mine but I wont have room until the 12th :( I wonder if someone's willing to hold her for me? I wuld be so grateful!
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I can hold her. I won't be able to get her for about an hour and a half though.
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