Cycling Morelia Freebies -Leaving ->

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Yeah, she is still here.

I also have Pokemon X and I am only three hours in. I'll get back to finishing it once I have a competitive team. I have only found one piece of mushroom furniture and that's because I'm a bit lazy. Oh and what Pokemon are using currently?

Oh, so you're a competitive player? That's awesome, I'm a cheerleader of sorts for you competitive types. I'm really amazed by all the studying, research and effort that competitive players put in to the game. I've always been a casual player for the most part. I pick and choose my Pokemon natures and breed for that, but I don't pay attention to IVs or Hidden Abilities or anything like that. I do browse Smogon occasionally just to skim the Pokemon-specific articles and get a good feel for their strengths and weaknesses.

I tend to pick the Pokemon I love simply because I love them, and raise them carefully. My favorite Pokemon types are Dragon and Dark, so my team is usually pretty unbalanced and heavily saturated with those types. Right now my team has Honchkrow, Bisharp, Lapras, Noivern, Garchomp, and Haxorus. I want to bump Garchomp and Haxorus off the team (they're so powerful!) and replace them with Pokemon of non-Dragon and non-Dark typing, to better cover my weaknesses... I hate running into Fairy-type trainers with the team I have now, haha.
Oh, so you're a competitive player? That's awesome, I'm a cheerleader of sorts for you competitive types. I'm really amazed by all the studying, research and effort that competitive players put in to the game. I've always been a casual player for the most part. I pick and choose my Pokemon natures and breed for that, but I don't pay attention to IVs or Hidden Abilities or anything like that. I do browse Smogon occasionally just to skim the Pokemon-specific articles and get a good feel for their strengths and weaknesses.

I tend to pick the Pokemon I love simply because I love them, and raise them carefully. My favorite Pokemon types are Dragon and Dark, so my team is usually pretty unbalanced and heavily saturated with those types. Right now my team has Honchkrow, Bisharp, Lapras, Noivern, Garchomp, and Haxorus. I want to bump Garchomp and Haxorus off the team (they're so powerful!) and replace them with Pokemon of non-Dragon and non-Dark typing, to better cover my weaknesses... I hate running into Fairy-type trainers with the team I have now, haha.

Their is a a lot of grinding involved in order to make a competitive team. That's why I decided to take a break for now because I was getting tired of IV breeding and the EV training and finally getting their moves.

My favorite types are Grass and Electric. That's a pretty strong team you got there. If want to replace Garchomp and Haxorus, Goodra would make a great addition because it's a strong Sp. Defensive Pokemon. As for a counter to Fairies, Honedge/Doublade/Aegislash have a pretty high Attack stat and Aegislash has high defensive went its Stance is on the defensive

- - - Post Merge - - -

Is she in boxes? &i will be coming from my Emerald town xox

Yeah she is boxes
Flora is in boxes. She is cute and a peppy so if no one is interested in 30 minutes, I'll keep her :)
Yo Ricardo, have a Pokemon battle with me sometime:D
I adore my celebrity flora. She's my second fav only to stitches : )
I always choose a grass starter, but I bought both games. Chespin in Y and Fennekin in X
I'll take Flora right quick! I have to run errands soon, so hopefully I can come get her. :)
I adore my celebrity flora. She's my second fav only to stitches : )

She's adorable! :3 Definitely want her in my 2nd town. Still not 100% sure who else I want in that town when I slow down on the cycling, besides who've I've already listed below... XD
Yep. I adore her. I'm actually thinking once I get 2nd & 3rd copies, I'll eventually move some of my birdsong dreamies to another town and just keep the birds. Ha. The birds of birdsong. Even funnier are my character names. Midori, Ruby, foster and Cyni. Some if my pet bird names.
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