Heavily prefer reading the book first if I have the patience/time for it! I love comparing how I construct the characters and world in my head vs how it would be portrayed on the big screen.
Whether it's as simple as a YA romance, or Ready Player One, always prefer book first.
I'd watch the movie first. There's usually a lot of small details that get left out in the translation from book to movie, and by seeing the movie first I'm getting at least a little new content by reading the book after. Same reasoning goes for why I'd want to watch anime before reading the manga. But in reality I don't think it this much about it and just do whatever I feel like in the moment.
I like reading the book first because then I can make up my own image of the characters and setting in my head.
If I ever do watch the movie I might be disappointed though or surprised based on how well it's been adapted!
i prefer to read the book first. i like to know all the details and leave things up to my imagination. with movies, i feel like it wouldn't have as much depth / wouldn't be complete compared to the book.
I love to read, but I think it depends on which I discover first. For example, the Dune and Harry Potter books came first for me, as well as most Roald Dahl books.
However, I never read the Shrek novel, and love the film series lol.
I feel like reading the book first is the best option so that you can tell how bad the movie is compared to it. If you watch the movie first then you’ll have that concept in mind when reading the book, so you’ll feel like the book should be how the movie is. Maybe that’s just how my brain works but I choose book before the movie
I prefer reading the book first. I don’t really watch many movies. They don’t hold my attention like books. I don’t know why but I can’t just sit and watch a movie . I always have my switch lite or whatever hand held I’m using at the time. The movie ends up being background noise that I occasionally pay attention to.
I'll read the book if I really love the show or movie. It only happened once recently.
If I happened to read the books, I might watched the show or movie. Some books I don't think will work well in movie form because they would want to cut too much to fit the format.
Fun fact smt and parasite eve were book series at somepoint b4 the games took a life of its own outgrowing the original books tho if i do have to pick its usually the adaptations so long as its complete ones.
I’m not big into movies, so I always read the book over or before the movie. Most of the time, the book ends up being better than the movie. The only exception was Gettysburg, which was just as good as the novel The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara; the movie was pretty much word for word the book.
It depends on the title tbh. If there’s both available and I care enough/am hyped enough about the story, I’ll read the book first. I prefer to imagine the characters and their voices and world myself and the books are always more detailed compared to movies. Any time I’ve seen a movie first and read the books after my brain can’t unsee how the actors and the environment looked and apply those images to the book. I don’t like that! I want to be free of bias.
If it’s a show I watch as background noise while drawing then I usually don’t care for it enough to sit down and read it first.
I prefer to read the book first when I can but with the amount of high quality content out there sometimes I do end up just watching first and sometimes skipping the book entirely.