Museum error I noticed


Smells Like Teen Spirit
Oct 23, 2023
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Hi everyone,

I noticed an error in the fossil display of the museum. In the section with all of the animal silhouettes, a few species are missing! These include the hamster, wolf, ostrich, gorilla, alligator, bird, frog, lion, squirrel, bear cub, chicken, duck, goat, octopus, penguin, sheep, and tiger.

WOW. I had no idea that many villager species were missing until I actually studied the list and checked the silhouette lineup.

This means that if you have any of the villagers belonging to the species above, you won’t get to hear any unique dialogue from them when they’re in that section of the museum. You can imagine how disappointed I was when I found Apple and Julia in that section only to realize their respective species silhouettes were missing. I get it why they didn’t include the frog or octopus, as those are sea creatures.

But why? Why did they choose to give the axe to so many villager species here? Has anyone else noticed this? Maybe they did it to conserve space? I find this very odd. Please let me know of your thoughts on this!
This is not an error, it's just a nice detail the developers added to the fossil exhibit. Some of the extinct species exhibited eventually evolved into the animals we know today. That section of the museum didn't include the rest of the available villager species because the fossils of their descendants weren't available in the game. But it'd be cool if they were added in some way in the next game so the rest of the villager species are represented!

Nookipedia said:
[...] throughout the exhibit, lines are drawn on the floor between fossils which roughly correspond to a proposed evolutionary tree, culminating in a glass display showing how these fossils represent the evolutionary ancestry of the game's various villager species, [...]

You can also stand in the spot next to the monkey silhouette to become a part of the "evolutionary tree"! Cool, huh?
This is not an error, it's just a nice detail the developers added to the fossil exhibit. Some of the extinct species exhibited eventually evolved into the animals we know today. That section of the museum didn't include the rest of the available villager species because the fossils of their descendants weren't available in the game. But it'd be cool if they were added in some way in the next game so the rest of the villager species are represented!

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You can also stand in the spot next to the monkey silhouette to become a part of the "evolutionary tree"! Cool, huh?
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Well this is amazing! I have quite a few hours in this game and never even came close to knowing this! Now I have something new and exciting to do discover. I also did not know animals would have unique conversations in the museum @Cetoddle769 ? I have not played the game as much recently because I ran out of inventory space and island space. I really need to get some spring cleaning done. Thanks @Suguri for this fun information. :)
I actually remember looking over this as a big biology nerd and noting the missing villagers like you did! However, a good few of the missing ones can actually be represented through silhouettes that are present.

Wolf can be represented by dog. A wolf is just a non-domesticated dog, so omitting them is just a lack of detail of caniform carnivorans.
The same can be said by them not showing Tiger. Tigers are just big cats, so they're technically represented by cats.
And bear cubs represented by the big bears! Almost forgot that.

Bird, Ostrich, Duck, Chicken, and Penguin could all be said to be represented by the Eagle too. All of them are birds at the end of the day, all decended from avian dinosaurs.

Gorilla would belong right between Monkey and Human, being a great ape like we are. I would say it's not represented but it's there in my heart!

Frog, Octopus, and Alligators probably aren't represented really because we don't have any fossils of them in the game. Crocodilians appeared BEFORE the dinosaurs, at least their distant ancestors did, and I don't believe we have any fossils of them. There's some sea life representation in the first room of the fossil exhibit, which is the best we're gonna get of those guys. And frogs are a weird case evolutionarily, amphibians as a whole being pre-dinosaur, along with us not having any frog fossils in game (frogs evolved around the Triassic but we actually have incredibly few frog fossils from that time).

They may be attempting to group squirrels with the mice/rats, being rodents? That one I don't have an exact explanation for, but that's how I'd pair them up if each silhouette can represent multiple species.

I'm most curious about goat's and sheep not being represented. Both of those animals are even toed ungulates, meaning that they are somewhat related to pigs. So I'd group them together there.

This was just a nerd ramble of how I'd group together each animal that doesn't have a silhouette present. I like to think there's a reason for whoever is included versus whoever isn't included. I do think the most interesting silhouettes are the marsupials and the anteater. I mean the anteater???? What a specific species to represent.