Museums - who would you like to see donate to it?

Who would you like to be able to donate to your museum?

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I'd like it if villagers could donate but only if these were extra items, because I actually enjoy the collecting aspect. I think this would be a nice solution,you could find new surprises in your museum and get some variety in the donation names, while still having a collection to work for ^^
I only like my name next to the donation. It would feel strange if it was anyone else.
It doesn't bother me having all the donation plaques with my name because I like being bossy and in charge of my island 😅

I think I prefer the player being the only one to donate but I agree it could be cool if maybe villagers could donate a *better* specimen/additional specimens or something like that where I still get the full satisfaction of completing everything myself but they also get to be included. Maybe even having there be a separate museum area where villagers can contribute that wouldn't take away from the main museum collections.
I think I prefer the player being the only one to donate but I agree it could be cool if maybe villagers could donate a *better* specimen/additional specimens or something like that where I still get the full satisfaction of completing everything myself but they also get to be included. Maybe even having there be a separate museum area where villagers can contribute that wouldn't take away from the main museum collections.
I have wondered where all the extra butterflies in my bug exhibit came from. It would probably be a lot of extra work for the video game programmers, but it would be nice if the villagers could slowly donate the extra creatures over time up to the maximum limit.
Hmm, that's tough! I do think it's boring to only see one name, but at the same time, I absolutely refuse to let any of my alt characters donate because I like the consistency of it just being me, hehehe. I would feel differently if I shared my game with someone else.

I feel like, if they allowed donating from players outside of your town, it would have to be a feature you deliberately turn on and would be off by default, since I can see many horrible trolls donating with a stupid name that would be tied to your museum forever. Even a person with good intentions could end up making someone sad if they wanted to complete the museum on their own.

As a fun compromise, maybe have the traditional list of things to collect for the player, and additional things for the villagers to collect that the player is unable to? I can it being aggravating waiting for a villager to catch something, though. 😅 Perhaps the museum would need to be considered 'complete' once the player's list of donations is fulfilled.
I like the way it is as being the only one who can donate, though at the same time, since i need breaks from the game, i miss some bugs and fish (and even if I don’t take a break I still miss them). so sometimes I think some help would be kind of nice; maybe have a prompt saying Villager A wants to donate item X. Is this okay? I do see the appeal though as well as friends being able to donate. When I first started playing NL, I initially thought we could donate to their museum 😅
i don't mind it only being me donating but it'd definitely be super cute to see villagers donating somethings, especially would be nice if they were from previous villagers that used to be the only too!!

the idea of friends being able to donate does sound appealing, would love the option for that too perhaps :3