Oct 30, 2005 #1 Justin Nefarious did this. Staff Administrator Joined Jun 11, 2005 Posts 17,469 Bells 1,789 Switch 4135-9919-0984 *huggles Trivia Master Rank* I can make polls.
Oct 30, 2005 #2 DarthGohan1 TBT Old Timer Retired Staff Joined Jul 31, 2005 Posts 13,734 Bells 318 what are flouds? :huh:
Oct 30, 2005 #3 Justin Nefarious did this. Staff Administrator Joined Jun 11, 2005 Posts 17,469 Bells 1,789 Switch 4135-9919-0984 I must had spelled it wrong! I ment the big rushs of water. you know? I wonder how the right spelling for it it.
I must had spelled it wrong! I ment the big rushs of water. you know? I wonder how the right spelling for it it.
Oct 30, 2005 #4 J JJRamone2 Senior Member Joined Dec 20, 2004 Posts 4,216 Bells 1,489 Justin125 said: I must had spelled it wrong! I ment the big rushs of water. you know? I wonder how the right spelling for it it. Click to expand... floods, you mean
Justin125 said: I must had spelled it wrong! I ment the big rushs of water. you know? I wonder how the right spelling for it it. Click to expand... floods, you mean
Oct 30, 2005 #6 B Bastoise99 Retired Staff Joined Dec 3, 2004 Posts 5,769 Bells 950 Floods are dangerous and can be a menace to society. When they occur sometimes people die. Thats just me though.
Floods are dangerous and can be a menace to society. When they occur sometimes people die. Thats just me though.
Oct 30, 2005 #7 P picklewarrior098 Senior Member Joined Feb 24, 2005 Posts 230 Bells 1,050 wow... foulds....ill make that one of my words of the day... fould: a mix between a cloud and a flood
wow... foulds....ill make that one of my words of the day... fould: a mix between a cloud and a flood
Oct 30, 2005 #8 S Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 Retired Staff Joined Dec 28, 2004 Posts 10,984 Bells 950 Yes, as long as they don't hit where I live.
Oct 30, 2005 #9 Mino #pray4pally Retired Staff Joined Jan 15, 2005 Posts 11,612 Bells 745 Uhh, since it's obvious you were desperate to make a poll and didn't even think of a good topic.... Moved to The Town Dump.
Uhh, since it's obvious you were desperate to make a poll and didn't even think of a good topic.... Moved to The Town Dump.
Oct 30, 2005 #10 Ƒ ƒish Retired Staff Joined Feb 6, 2005 Posts 8,281 Bells 1,340 yes, floods are sexy. : )
Oct 30, 2005 #11 Justin Nefarious did this. Staff Administrator Joined Jun 11, 2005 Posts 17,469 Bells 1,789 Switch 4135-9919-0984 They are???? they're just water.... right?
Oct 30, 2005 #12 Justin Nefarious did this. Staff Administrator Joined Jun 11, 2005 Posts 17,469 Bells 1,789 Switch 4135-9919-0984 Or are you just trying to scare me?
Oct 31, 2005 #13 A ac1983fan Senior Member Joined Apr 16, 2005 Posts 1,085 Bells 2,128 He's kidding around.
Oct 31, 2005 #14 Mino #pray4pally Retired Staff Joined Jan 15, 2005 Posts 11,612 Bells 745 What the crap? Floods are EXTREMELY dangerous. This is from Hurricane Katrina: That's prefectly harmless. :blink:
What the crap? Floods are EXTREMELY dangerous. This is from Hurricane Katrina: That's prefectly harmless. :blink:
Oct 31, 2005 #15 Mino #pray4pally Retired Staff Joined Jan 15, 2005 Posts 11,612 Bells 745 Now imagine that moving very fast. Less than two feet of water moving that fast can sweep you away so you'll never be seen again.
Now imagine that moving very fast. Less than two feet of water moving that fast can sweep you away so you'll never be seen again.