• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

My First Sleep Paralysis


Frost Egg Collector
Mar 2, 2018
Throwback Tickets
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Red Pikmin Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Tulip
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
Pink Hybrid Lily
Purple Violet
White Pansy
Frost Easter Egg
Frost Easter Egg
This just happened to me this morning and I thought I would write it down. Then I thought I'd post it here in case anyone finds it interesting.

The dream started in some sort of park resembling the graveyard near where I live. Interestingly, it was more like I was watching a movie, rather than actually being there. There were shifting camera angles and I was not inside any sort of body. Then I saw images of statues, which were beautifully carved. One of which had a man posing next to it. During the dream I figured they must be memorials for people who have died. The statues started to decay and became hideous, though still lifeless. This part really wasn't that bad though. I've had weird dreams like this before and they don't cause me any distress. Then I woke up.

When I tried to move I was unable to. I knew what sleep paralysis was so I was a little freaked out but kind of excited that I was getting to experience one for myself. Interestingly, I was perfectly capable of breathing even though most people can't when in this state. Even though I knew it wasn't real, the feeling that something was in my room was getting more intense, until I saw a rotting corpse standing over my bed. When I saw that I was in full on panic mode. Until this I've never been in a situation where I have thought there was a hostile creature right in front of me before. Trust me, it's not enjoyable. After about 10 seconds I regained my composure and the hallucination was gone. I started to move my fingers and began to regain control of my body.

Hopefully it doesn't happen again, but if it does I might write about it here.
I had sleep paralysis once i was YOUNG like 5 or 6 I knew i was dreaming but couldn't move or wake myself up for a few seconds...i forget the dream it was...but i think it had something to do with outerspace
I've never had sleep paralysis, but I do have hypnopompic hallucinations, which is basically seeing/hearing/feeling something in your room (even though it's not there) when you wake up. I definitely know how terrifying that is; one time I woek up and I thought that a giant bug had crawled across my arm and under my blankets which prompted me to quiver in fear for a full minute, and another time I woke up and I saw black, moving vines growing all around my room.

I feel like sleep paralysis would just make that so much worse :(