Do you sleep with the windows open or closed?

Windows shut. It would certainly be more comfortable to have them open but my bed is right up against the window so I don't really like that lack of privacy. Although now I'm pondering about rearranging my room
I have always slept with my windows closed.... I also watch to many horror movies so I wont be able to sleep if I leave them open hahaha
Open or else the air in the room gets stale. Even in the winter I'll have it open a little bit.
open- i'm not on the first floor, and i have screens in my window. i love the sound of the crickets when i sleep, and i especially like the sound of the birds when i wake up.
Since we're in summer, open. Especially during heat waves because only at night the air gets tolerable, but I need to make sure to wake up before 9 am to close it and the blinds after.
closed. I feel better sleeping knowing that nothing or no one is coming in through my windows, though my bedroom windows are closed most of the time anyway, unless I'm sick and want the fresh air / ventilation.
I like having the sliding door open during the day to let breeze in (it's easier than windows, I guess), but at night, I prefer not to have any windows open. My windows can be opened partially, without being able to be opened fully, so there's not too much safety concern, but I'd still prefer them closed. I do need to have the fan on though.
closed. i feel weird having it open and my window is right across from my neighbor’s and they are pretty noisy sometimes
I prefer open but have to close it if there are too much noises...although I discovered that a fan could cover those noises. As for safety concern, it's relatively safe in my area, I can wander around in the streets in my pj at 3am and rarely meet ppl other than other people in pj walking their dogs.
I definitely have them closed. I’d be too paranoid all night if I leave them open. maybe in the morning I might open them for a short period of time just to air out the house and get some fresh air in.
i keep em closed and locked at night cause i'm incredibly paranoid 😵 i only really open my windows during the day if there's a nice breeze coming in or if my cats want to window watch on the cat tree by my window
my area outside is gross gross, so 100% windows shut where I am rn

though I have been in areas where I kept the window open. it just depends on if the outside air improves things or not

that said, while I don't keep the window open, I do keep the blinds up (I do like the natural light, and at night its too dark to make out anything anyways)
I have literally never opened my windows. like ever. in the summer, bugs will fly in and we'll get bit up by mosquitos. and it's too cold to in the winter
I always sleep with mine closed! Having them open would make me veryyy paranoid, especially since my window is at ground level, but I also just hate the thought of letting insects in 😭 They're screened and everything, but that only does so much... there's still plenty of creepy crawlies that make it past that first barrier...

Sometimes I'll open the windows in the daytime to let some fresh air in if it's cool enough outside, but they'll get closed at night or if I'm not going to be nearby for awhile.
Closed. I don’t want birds, bugs, and other things coming into my room. I have a fan to cool me off instead.