My Honest Thoughts on the Turkey Day Event

Oh yeah me and my family were slightly disappointed from the event not being multiplayer too. It would have been awesome if you could have people over to help make dishes or help others with theirs. Idk they really just could have added a few things to this event and it would be 10/10 perfect to me. Still love it though.
Oh yeah me and my family were slightly disappointed from the event not being multiplayer too. It would have been awesome if you could have people over to help make dishes or help others with theirs. Idk they really just could have added a few things to this event and it would be 10/10 perfect to me. Still love it though.
Not only that but there is still no way to trade fish or sea creatures to people who need. I mean this is the only thing in the game that we cannot do. Same with bugs as well. I swear Nintendo needs to give us the feature to trade items like fish to our friends because it isn't fair to other people who are like new to the game and have no clue how to get the fish or sea creatures they need for the event. My friend was so upset that he was unable to help me out during the event. All he can do was watch me cook with Franklin. It felt so unfair.
I played the event with my sister and both of us finished the event within just a few hours, all with getting all secret ingredients, too. I agree that it is a little underwhelming, the event feels like it was too short. Maybe because I prepared beforehand. That was my fault, it would’ve been a lot more fun gathering ingredients on the day instead.
I loved the eventtt
I loved how it was easier than ACNL so it was a perfect balance
I got a little worried by the 3rd dish if I was messing up secret ingredients lol and that's when I looked at a spoiler that showed me you had to add them later
Which was a relief
I got all the hard to find ingredients from my villagers in exchange for seabass and horse mackerel
so it was great
I loved the furniture, had fun spending the evening decorating
adored the event lol
I enjoyed it well enough, some of the fish were a pain to find because of bad RNG, but it was a cute little event. I like that the furniture isn't too specialised either so I might be able to use it all year round.
I enjoyed the event! The villagers were adorable with their ”ta-da” reactions. I prepped for the event over a few days just catching 1 or 2 things a day overall didn’t take much time. I like that this and the Halloween events were pretty chill.
I enjoyed it to begin with but started to get irritated with it reasonably quickly. I thought it was very cute looking and I loved seeing all my villager excitedly gathered in the plaza for the feast. I also mainly like the rewards. However collecting the ingredients become a bit of a chore.

I’m not sure if anyone else experienced this but the RNG was completely whack in my game yesterday. I caught 6 scallops in a row whilst looking for a mussel and 4 sturgeon whilst looking for a dab. It took me over an hour of fishing and catching multiple sea bass and knife jaws before finally catching 3 Oliver founders all in a row. I couldn’t find a Dungeness crab after 3 hrs of diving but found multiple snow crabs and Venus flower baskets.

I bugged me that whilst we could trade with villagers for cooking ingredients, they rarely actually gave me ingredients that I needed. After about 8 trades I only got one ingredient that I could actually use - the Dungeness crab (Thank you Melba, my hero!)

In all I thought it was ok. I wish Nintendo had made it so that when trading with villagers they only gave you ingredients you needed. I also wish that after the food has been made that we could see our villagers with their plates pilled high with food. I think that would have been adorables.
Here in Australia we don't celebrate thanksgiving so the Turkey Day celebration was a whole new thing to me! I remember in New Leaf there was a Turkey day but I dont remember is being as interactive, so this edition is very pleasing hehe, I also love the differentiation between the hemispheres decorations as we're in different seasons! I got the spring versions and some items are so versatile I could use them all year round on my island! Also the way the town hall is decorated at night with the little fairy lights is so so adorable. I hope they add some lights like that in future updates that we can purchase/craft :)
I feel that the event can become annoying to some because it's difficult to catch some of the sea creatures and fishes. I wasn't able to catch a barred knifejaw for a hour! I had Felicity bail me out, in the end. I was running out of time too because the event finishes before midnight. (I was working yesterday too. So I had to play during nighttime.)

Overall, I like the Franklin. Too bad he isn't like a certain angry chef that I know. The rewards are better this time around.
I'm really regret I never had a chance to compare Turkey Day in previous iteration(s) of AC, like NL or original one.
When I finished everything related to this event, I really felt like it has been done in rush, I imagined like big Nintendo gave for the team one paid hour and told them to prepare this event.
I must admit, graphics level is still the same, I have no reason to complain about this. Event was overcrowded in the Plaza, animal's behaviour was overhyped and unnatural. More interesting is behaviour of those animals stayed home, where we needed to help them bring some ingredients. They literally acted like zombies staying on the front of the cookers... empty ones!
"Let's get cooking" conducted in really poor way, it looked like low-budget-game or at least "visual novel" where we had to imagine those meals had been cooked. Extra meals looks the same, just with a sparkles... so lazy.
Complete lack of interaction with ANY food. Villagers like in the trance, walking with empty plates - no interaction related to cooking at all.
If next updates meant to be focused on events, like this one - I would prefer if they stop update ACNH.
This is the first event I really enjoyed a lot actually. And the first one that took a bit of time to complete.
I thought the event was really good. It took a while to get the ingrediants and just being given the DIY after doing everything, to craft whatever. Was a nice bonus. (Plus some of the Turkey Day things showing up in Nooks is nice too)

The only thing that bothered me about the event was sea diving aspect. It just was a little tideous hunting for that one item and getting everything other than that item. Sure it made things expand out but, it felt like a chore rather then having the enjoyment of hunting.
Plus like others have mentioned, I feel like if they implemented the new leaf methods. Where you had to talk to villagers and have them give you ingrediants for helping them. It would feel alot more rewarding.

It did bother me that the event basically ended after that. I wish it was like Halloween where you could keep giving them what they wantedand got more rewards from it. It wouldn't have made the event longer but it would have given a reason to keep playing/farming?

It took me about 2 hours to finish so, it was good. Best event so far.
Plus like others have mentioned, I feel like if they implemented the new leaf methods. Where you had to talk to villagers and have them give you ingrediants for helping them. It would feel alot more rewarding.

But, they did. You talked to the villagers while they were cooking in their houses. They asked you for an ingredient. You gave it to them. They gave you another ingredient. That was one of the ways you could get harder to hunt ingredients like the scallop and crab.
But, they did. You talked to the villagers while they were cooking in their houses. They asked you for an ingredient. You gave it to them. They gave you another ingredient. That was one of the ways you could get harder to hunt ingredients like the scallop and crab.

I genuinely though you'd have to find them yourself-

That would have made my time alot more easier 😅
My only problem is the hourly music is ruined by an annoying song until midnight. Same problem for Fishing and Bug event
I genuinely though you'd have to find them yourself-

That would have made my time alot more easier 😅

Whoops! 😅 Yeah, Franklin even tells us that if you have a hard time finding an ingredient to talk to your neighbors for help. I guess it is an easy thing to miss if you are in a rush because of real life responsibilities.
I liked the Halloween event a lot more! I was kinda confused at the beginning when I went to a villager's house and they gave me a seemingly random item and a seemingly random piece of advice that I couldn't really figure out lol. I eventually got it though but I wasn't sure if I was actually having fun, it felt more like a grind.
Also annoying how I was working on trading with a villager but when you enter/exit a building the villagers who are in their houses change and suddenly they want another item.
I finished it last night and while fun, it was slightly frustrating! I had trouble finding one type of fish, and one type of sea creature, so that took a long time... if I wasn't bing watching TV I would have gone nuts.

One wish I had was that we could keep the food we made. Those dishes looked cute!