My Honest Thoughts on the Turkey Day Event

I enjoyed it. I didn’t bother diving or fishing too long for the secret ingredients. I just went to Stitches and Agnes’ place and traded for the needed ingredients. Was done in less than an hour.
I like the way the event was, it was so much like how it was in new leaf so it was a nice call back. I guess the only thing that I could see wanting to be added was if like there was a clip where all my villagers and my character sat down together to eat the food? Then it would feel worth it versus the villagers just standing around the table and smiling. But also if you do trades with villagers they give you ingredients so I feel like it’s not too terribly hard to finish the event
I experienced Turkey Day twice on my islands- one island I would have said it was great, the other not so much. So here’s my thoughts...

New island: I spent about 20 mins fishing and diving because I knew I’d need various ingredients. I made all the dishes with Franklin straight off and didn’t have to hunt for anything until he asked us to visit villagers. I found they usually asked for something from my pocket and the whole event was done in like an hour. I was pretty happy how smoothly it went. I even stopped to decorate a huge space on my island!

Old Island: OMG, struggle bus alert!! I must have fished and dived for at least an hour and a half and could never get what I needed. My villagers were all asking for fish I couldn’t catch and it took me several more hours to finish. It got to the point where I almost just said forget about it and didn’t finish. It felt like it just kept getting more difficult as the event went on. I did finish, but honestly I didn’t use any of the decor, I just put it away because I had already played too long!

In the end, I feel like it has a lot to with how lucky you were fishing/diving and preparedness before the event. I still have mixed feelings about it but I really liked the items!
I actually enjoyed the event! I liked that I didn’t have to spend too much time on the event. I didn’t prepare for the event, as I completely forgot about American Thanksgiving until we were the 26th, but the items they asked were very reasonable; they were all common fish/sea creatures and if you couldn’t get the ingredient, you could exchange them with your villagers (I couldn’t get the crab, so the exchanging option was pretty convenient)!

I’m very satisfied with the rewards; I find them all beautiful, so the event was worthwhile. 😊 I also liked the festive atmosphere in the town plaza. Overall, it was short and sweet! 😍
I played for a while, but found it to be a bit grueling. I mean, I just ran out of patience. I got asked for a horse mackeral by a villager. Seems easy enough, right? Nope, spent a long time trying to get one and at one point got trash three fish in a row. My patience was shot. I had found out that we could just buy the DIYs the next day, so that's what I did.
Everyone is complaining about food items and I barely remember them,, wth

I’m sorry if I offended you. I enjoyed the event; it is kinda my fault for having my expectations a little high and hoping for food furniture. I barely remember a lot of stuff from NL and never experienced Harvest Festival in NL, but the one thing I remember best from NL and HHD is the food items.

The food furniture has been my favorite; but nothing wrong with not liking it or valuing it as much as everyone else :). To me it doesn’t make sense to have a harvest festival without at least a turkey and other things aside from a cornucopia and covered pot. Can’t be thankful of having plenty of food or share it with people who are less fortunate without food, without food.
I’m sorry if I offended you. I enjoyed the event; it is kinda my fault for having my expectations a little high and hoping for food furniture. I barely remember a lot of stuff from NL and never experienced Harvest Festival in NL, but the one thing I remember best from NL and HHD is the food items.

The food furniture has been my favorite; but nothing wrong with not liking it or valuing it as much as everyone else :). To me it doesn’t make sense to have a harvest festival without at least a turkey and other things aside from a cornucopia and covered pot. Can’t be thankful of having plenty of food or share it with people who are less fortunate without food, without food.
Oh ! I wasn't offended lol I was just confused 😂 I played acnl for years and yet I barely remember harvest day
I felt like it was too short. I thought I was gonna get ingredents for as many dishes as there were items. I didnt like the deep sea scavenging but that's personal bias because I find it tedious and boring. Honestly I just wish it switched to an underwater view. If it did that I'd like it but anyways. The items are really nice so I liked that part. Kinda wish it ended with us sitting and actually eating it. lol
I liked the event! :) I thought it was very much in the spirit of community and it was cute to see all the villagers in square and in their little cooking gear! It wasn't very tedious for me (I did it in under an hour) because of the villager food trading and I really liked that we got DIYs in the end of the event which I thought was a pleasant surprise. I love the Turkey Day furniture, so I feel like the rewards were worth it. :)
I found it to be fun. I didn't prep or look anything up ahead of time, so I farmed items as I went. It took a bit to get all the ingredients, but reach dish netted a new item.

Ever played ACGC? Back then, Franklin wasn't cooking the menu, he WAS the menu. The event consisted of finding him, somewhere in town, then stealing a knife and fork from the table at the counting plaza. Give them to the bird, who offered up a piece of the harvest series. Lather, rinse, repeat.

By comparison, this was much more fun.
I no joke spent 2 hours looking for a certain secret ingredient with no luck at all, which was okay because it was a secret ingredient but still annoying that I couldn’t get the one last Turkey Day item. It also took me 15 minutes to find a sea bass - I kept getting Olive Flounders, which I’m pretty sure are rare-ish, so I felt like Nintendo had jacked the RNG..
I honestly usually feel the exact opposite when it comes to events. I feel like the RNG favors items that you need more. I swear that's how it goes for me in my game. And I don't do the whole feng shui thing or whatever in my house, so I don't think it has anything to do with that.
I actually really liked the event. It wasn't too long and it wasn't too short, nor was it too easy or too hard. It was the right amount of everything and I had a pretty good time (I did not prepare any ingredients before hand). One critique would be that it would be fun if they let us actually "cook" the dishes, like how you can make curry in Pokemon Sword/Shield (you can fan the flames, stir the pot, etc.).

My sister, who isn't involved in the online AC community at all and is a very casual "gamer," really liked it too. She's 21 years old (I'm 23) and unlike me she can get bored playing video games easily (she rarely completed seasonal events in NL), but this event was pretty engaging for her. She liked it a lot, but also agreed it would be more fun if you could cook like in Pokemon SW/SH.
It...wasn't really my favorite. As a vegetarian, I didn't want to give everyone fish to eat, but on the other hand I have to 100% the game, so I just pretended all the fish were tofu but still felt bad. I really wish that Turkey Day had more vegetarian options. And also it bugs me how Bubbles, Rocco, Renee, Reneigh, and Rhonda were asking for fish. THEY'RE HERBIVORES! I mean, COME ON, GAME!!! BE MORE FRIENDLY TO THE VEGETARIANS OF THE WORLD, AND LET THE HERBIVOROUS ANIMALS ENJOY THEIR LIFE WITHOUT BEING FORCED AGAINST THEIR WILL VIA PROGRAMMING TO EAT FISH!!! (Sorry for yelling)
It...wasn't really my favorite. As a vegetarian, I didn't want to give everyone fish to eat, but on the other hand I have to 100% the game, so I just pretended all the fish were tofu but still felt bad. I really wish that Turkey Day had more vegetarian options. And also it bugs me how Bubbles, Rocco, Renee, Reneigh, and Rhonda were asking for fish. THEY'RE HERBIVORES! I mean, COME ON, GAME!!! BE MORE FRIENDLY TO THE VEGETARIANS OF THE WORLD, AND LET THE HERBIVOROUS ANIMALS ENJOY THEIR LIFE WITHOUT BEING FORCED AGAINST THEIR WILL VIA PROGRAMMING TO EAT FISH!!! (Sorry for yelling)

As a vegetarian, you haven't been forced to eat any living creature. World of AC is an imaginary and whatever happens on the screen, no harm has been done to anything living.
I didn’t get to participate this year because I reset my island, but I did get to watch my mom play it and it was cute watching her villagers love the food being made. 🥰
I’m vegan and I don’t really care about virtual animals eating virtual fish tbh 😂 I love fishing in games lol
I was worried about it only falling on the actual holiday due to me also wanting to spend that day with my family but I managed to complete it and didnt feel it took up too much time.

I even did it the "hard way" in the sense that I did not know what "special ingredients" he was wanting after the base dishes were made. I was foolishly filling up my inventory with fruit, fish, sea creatures, etc, hoping he would want something. It wasnt until I finished in this manner that my husband discovered you could visit the villagers inside their homes and bring them something and they would give you a special ingredient for your help...oops!
I genuinely enjoyed it and it was my favourite holiday event I've participated in so far (literally only competing against halloween haha)!! I loved how it felt like there were things to do as I did no ingredient prep beforehand but also it didn't take an insane amount of time and I wasn't having to sit there all day just to try and get some items from franklin. I also really enjoyed the fact that the DIY recipes were available to buy after the event in case there was anyone who missed it or started playing afterwards, I hate feeling anxious and pressured because you don't want to miss out on anything
I liked this event. It was short and sweet. I finished it and then went about my day. It didn't drag on for an eternity or last several days. I liked how there was an option to buy the DIYs for people who may not have been able to do the event and didn't want to TT. It's inclusive to people who only play casually and cannot log tons of hours into the game every day in order to unlock everything (something I have an issue with regarding all these seasonal balloon DIYs).