My Thoughts on Mumble

To be honest, Rosie, I don't buy anything you're saying based on my brief experience with you and Olive on Mumble the other night. We were all in there playing IRC Mafia, there were some snide comments made by both of you about how many people were in there and then you butted into conversation just to ask each other to go on Skype and disappeared.

Exactly what I mean by not very welcoming.

You must have some serious problems, Sock. It's a shame, I used to like you.

I agree with you, I tried joining once but everyone was talking and I didn't really feel welcome so I left.
I like to think everyone is welcome and I know Lauren and myself do our best to welcome everyone.
I know that there's many others who are just as welcoming too.

If anyone has an issue with someone personally, it's probably best to take it to that person privately or not air it out publicly.
Let's keep it friendly for all :)
I agree with you, I tried joining once but everyone was talking and I didn't really feel welcome so I left.

So whose fault is this? I mean, people talking in mumble. Outrageous.
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I like to think everyone is welcome and I know Lauren and myself do our best to welcome everyone.
I know that there's many others who are just as welcoming too.

If anyone has an issue with someone personally, it's probably best to take it to that person privately or not air it out publicly.
Let's keep it friendly for all :)

I agree.

I find that most of the time when people feel unwelcome It's because of Mafia chat in the IRC (I've seen it drive people away), although the fact that the IRC isn't really used for AC discussion plays a part in that too. In Mumble I haven't had any problems with feeling welcomed or anything, I've enjoyed plenty of discussions and activities with others. Another thing to mention is the fact that there is a HUGE age gap between some of us who go on Mumble and the IRC, which really doesn't normally work out. You have completely different mindsets happening.
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You must have some serious problems, Sock. It's a shame, I used to like you.

Aw, I used to like you too.

When it comes to IRC, when ever someone comes in, and no one replies or people like Kuma and those other people that actually play AC, I always try to help, directing them to a part of the site that they need. Honestly, when people say "newbies aren't welcome in irc because no one plays ac anymore" it really isn't our fault when we help them and they leave? seriously any excuse to blame others and make others feel bad, its not nice!

Also, mumble? I went through a stage where i was mute, I wouldn't speak. I have never ever felt so loved when people such as kayla, jason and pally helped. Kayla took me into another channel and helped me. So, for people to say the mumble isnt welcoming? That a load of crap! I feel overwhelmed when its full of new people! I don't want to go in because I don't feel like i could speak to new people when I join. I know I had a conversation with Jason about this a few months ago. With mumble, its give and take, take your time, you'll have your say, obviously people end up talking over people, it happens, you just apologise and ask them to repeat what they say! Being polite! WHEN YOU'RE SMILING, WHEN YOU'RE SMILING, THE WHOLE WORLD SMILES WITH YOU!
uh just sayin idk if this will help the discussion of cliques or somethin..g but,,,

there was a lot of discussion about a shooting {i think in CA? i dont remember it was late} in the main chat, and I, scared easily kind a ...just left,,,,,idk i guess some members would be forced to leave or ignore the chat? because they might be triggered or..maybe they are scared easily like me but..yeah...
I agree.

I find that most of the time when people feel unwelcome It's because of Mafia chat in the IRC (I've seen it drive people away), although the fact that the IRC isn't really used for AC discussion plays a part in that too. In Mumble I haven't had any problems with feeling welcomed or anything, I've enjoyed plenty of discussions and activities with others. Another thing to mention is the fact that there is a HUGE age gap between some of us who go on Mumble and the IRC, which really doesn't normally work out. You have completely different mindsets happening.

It doesn't help when people who come in and want to talk or play AC, that people scare them off--either by blowing them off (Pfft, nobody plays that here/why would you come here to do AC/etc.) or acting like they are in the wrong place (AC? What's AC). :/

Not to say it's only people's fault. A number of people come in and leave within a few minutes if nobody says anything which is a bit quick to jump the gun.

alise - I think the Chat frequently goes into discussions that really aren't appropriate for all ages unfortunately :/
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Tbh I really dislike it when people scare off the members who ask about AC, it's not very nice.

However again, there's still a group of people who are always willing to help these members out.
Tbh I really dislike it when people scare off the members who ask about AC, it's not very nice.

However again, there's still a group of people who are always willing to help these members out.

There's always going to be some group doing the right thing--it doesn't matter how small or big the problem group is in each situation, it's always the bad that ends up ruining the good.
There's always going to be some group doing the right thing--it doesn't matter how small or big the problem group is in each situation, it's always the bad that ends up ruining the good.
I know :( but at least there's some light
I just want to comment here as a bit of a neutral party. I've been in the IRC a good handful of times, and have never felt excluded or gotten an overwhelming clique-y vibe from the so-called "regulars". I did however notice a few things that may cause others to feel this way, which I'll detail below.

I was definitely able to pick out the "regulars" after a few IRC visits. While most of them were generally friendly and chatty with (nearly) everyone, I did witness some negative/elitist behavior from a couple of people. There are two instances of this that I want to touch upon, as perhaps some people see it as funny or not a big deal in the grand scope of IRC communication, but it could definitely be rather off-putting to an outsider or new member.

1. A new person joined, and greeted a few of the people who were currently chatting. One person (a "regular") responded by saying "f*** off, I don't know you", after which the new person immediately left. One of the other chatters (and someone who appeared to be a friend of this person) playfully scolded them by saying "don't drink and IRC". No other action was taken. While this may be seen as funny to the members who are friends of this person, I can't even imagine how a new person joining IRC for the first time would feel after being verbally bashed for simply saying hello. Words can hurt, and people should be more mindful of this, as well as the fact that there are children who use this site and may stumble into IRC.

2. Another new person joined, and stated that they had just signed up on TBT that same day. They asked if anyone would be interested in trading with them, and one regular responded with simply "No." while another said something along the lines of "lol no one here plays ACNL anymore", thus causing the new person to leave without another word. I feel that if the IRC is going to be linked on TBT (which is for all intents and purposes an Animal Crossing forum) then discussion about games shouldn't be immediately shot down and people certainly shouldn't feel like they have to be ashamed for stating that they still play ACNL or any of the previous titles.

I also noticed another thing that was a bit... odd, or may be giving off a hint of favoritism that might rub certain people the wrong way. When there are people in the IRC with voice or halfops who aren't actually members of the TBT staff, it does portray an image of some sort of member hierarchy, or at least looks like there are members who are otherwise favored by the actual staff. It's only natural then for people to assume that certain members are more "in" with the staff than others, which can definitely appear clique-y and exclusionary to an outsider.

I haven't used Mumble at any point, but I can only imagine that an outsider would feel rather intimidated if they were to join and see a group of members in the "hierarchy" all chatting together. The comments I've read here about Mumble seem to mimic the complaints about IRC or the TBT clique, so I'm treating this as the same entity.

As far as Mario Kart goes, of course there's nothing wrong with people wanting to play with their friends. But when it's advertised on TBT as a community-wide event and then people (from the general vibe of previous posts) sequester themselves into small groups and exclude everyone BUT their friends, it does defeat the purpose a bit. I believe that the intentions behind organizing such an event would be to bring the community closer together and to allow members who haven't previously interacted with one another to do so, but it seems from what I've read here that some aren't going about it this way, and are instead just using it as another means of hanging out with their TBT pals.

Let me also state that I DO feel like TBT is generally a very positive and friendly community, and in many cases people aren't trying to be rude or unfriendly and it's more a matter of being unaware that their actions are perceived as such by others. I personally have always had fun while in the IRC and have talked to many interesting and dynamic people, and would likely hang out in there much more if not for my demanding schedule. People could perhaps go out of their way to be a bit more welcoming to new chatters, and hopefully that would be a small step in the right direction to bridge the proverbial gap between the "TBT clique" and everyone else. I hope I didn't overstep with any of my comments here, and I apologize for writing a novel! I hope this thread ends up shedding some light on what some might see as a large issue, and leads to more friendships and a stronger TBT community. :)
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2. Another new person joined, and stated that they had just signed up on TBT that same day. They asked if anyone would be interested in trading with them, and one regular responded with simply "No." while another said something along the lines of "lol no one here plays ACNL anymore", thus causing the new person to leave without another word. I feel that if the IRC is going to be linked on TBT (which is for all intents and purposes an Animal Crossing forum) then discussion about games shouldn't be immediately shot down and people certainly shouldn't feel like they have to be ashamed for stating that they still play ACNL or any of the previous titles.
There is nothing stopping people from discussing animal crossing. The people talk about whatever they want to talk about. What I really hate is when someone joins, sees that nobody wants to talk about animal crossing, and starts complaining and acting like an ass about it. A "hierarchy" does exist in that if you're new and you come in throwing your weight around, you're going to get a very hostile reaction, and I have no qualms contributing to that.
There is nothing stopping people from discussing animal crossing. The people talk about whatever they want to talk about. What I really hate is when someone joins, sees that nobody wants to talk about animal crossing, and starts complaining and acting like an ass about it. A "hierarchy" does exist in that if you're new and you come in throwing your weight around, you're going to get a very hostile reaction, and I have no qualms contributing to that.

I had a bad experience (read: baseless accusations) without me even saying anything so...
To be honest, Rosie, I don't buy anything you're saying based on my brief experience with you and Olive on Mumble the other night. We were all in there playing IRC Mafia, there were some snide comments made by both of you about how many people were in there and then you butted into conversation just to ask each other to go on Skype and disappeared.

Exactly what I mean by not very welcoming.

I am sorry how that came off. I came on mumble because I saw everyone on, but when I realized everyone was playing a game I don't play, I decided to ask Amanda to talk to me on Skype. And my intentions were never to exclude people, since everyone was talking to each other about Mafia anyways....if it was quiet in the room I would have struck up conversation to get people talking, but it didn't seem like our absence would be missed.
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There is nothing stopping people from discussing animal crossing. The people talk about whatever they want to talk about. What I really hate is when someone joins, sees that nobody wants to talk about animal crossing, and starts complaining and acting like an ass about it. A "hierarchy" does exist in that if you're new and you come in throwing your weight around, you're going to get a very hostile reaction, and I have no qualms contributing to that.

Right, and if that had happened I wouldn't have felt the need to speak up about it. The person wasn't acting like an ass in the least; they simply asked if anyone was interested in trading and were immediately shot down by two people. It's relatively likely that they assumed discussion about Animal Crossing was something that happened frequently, seeing as how TBT is an Animal Crossing forum and the IRC is linked on the forum itself.

If a new person joins and is acting obnoxious or is otherwise toxic to the chat, that's an entirely different scenario. I've seen that happen as well, and I felt it was handled justly. I can't say I agree with being "hostile" towards these people, but to each their own. :)
In most cases, they are told that nobody on the irc really plays animal crossing and they're better off posting in Re-tail or w/e. Sometimes there's a joke like "what's animal crossing?". Often they then just leave, because they're only there for one thing. I don't see any obligation to try and make them stay.
In most cases, they are told that nobody on the irc really plays animal crossing and they're better off posting in Re-tail or w/e. Sometimes there's a joke like "what's animal crossing?". Often they then just leave, because they're only there for one thing. I don't see any obligation to try and make them stay.

Saying something like "No one here really plays Animal Crossing anymore, but you could try posting in Re-Tail" would be entirely appropriate. It just seemed like everyone was more or less teasing the guy for even asking. Of course there's no obligation to make them stay if all they're looking to do is trade, but his question could have been answered in a more tactful and informative manner, especially considering the fact that he was brand new to the forums.
I agree with Karla on that. If someone just joins the IRC to ask a few questions about AC they're usually politely directed to areas of the forum or other sites/guides that would benefit them (at least I know I try to help them in that way if no one else beats me to it). If they only join to ask those few questions, I would say they're not really joining the IRC to get to know other users or just chat in general. With that being said, I definitely agree that IRC frequenters should try to be mindful of new members joining with questions or just to chat, solely for the purpose of helping others and not being too rude. :l

I feel like this thread has gotten away from it's focus on Mumble, however. I also think, as a new user of the IRC and as a relatively new member, that this thread's popularity (albeit it is an important topic) could be really detering to forum users who may be thinking of joining the IRC more frequently. But what do I know!
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I agree with Karla on that. If someone just joins the IRC to ask a few questions about AC they're usually politely directed to areas of the forum or other sites/guides that would benefit them. If they only join to ask those few questions, I would say they're not really joining the IRC to get to know other users or just chat in general. With that being said, I definitely agree that IRC frequenters should try to be mindful of new members joining with questions or just to chat, solely for the purpose of helping others and not being too rude. :l

I feel like this thread has gotten away from it's focus on Mumble, however. I also think, as a new user of the IRC and as a relatively new member, that this thread's popularity (albeit it is an important topic) could be really detering to forum users who may be thinking of joining the IRC more frequently. But what do I know!

Politely directing this person to the Re-Tail board would have been fine, but immediately shooting him down and essentially teasing him for asking was not. :)

These were just two instances that I personally witnessed while in the IRC. I've always enjoyed my time there and have never felt any sort of exclusionary vibe coming from the regular users, but I can see why some of the previous posters feel the way they do.