Prepare for a huge post of ranting.
Theres quite a few people saying they'd miss the mumble server, and everybody making suggestions of how to put it to good use welp.. its Mario Kart Monday, there are exactly three people on mumble right now, Trent, Sockhead and Myself, one of those people being in the afk channel.
Now.. trying to join the mk monday fun, I went to the mumble channel because I figured since the big uproar about mumble not being active and everybody saying that they wanted to use it more.. I was quite surprised when I found only one other person on the server..
So.. I joined MKMonday anyways.. and low and behold.. there was one big group playing, and one small group playing.. now. That's cool and all, but I noticed the smaller group full of people who were not part of the IRC regulars or the 'clique' as several of us call them, I was cool with that, it was a first come, first serve kinda deal, right? Right.
Jubs and a couple other people who are well known in the IRC joined the smaller group.. we started the match because there was quite a few people in the group, and nobody else seemed to joining in on the fun. Now.. thats not what pissed me off, what pissed me off was when a few of the regulars decided that it wasn't cool enough to race with the non regulars of the IRC, and disconnect. Please don't tell me that you did not do this, because though I may not be talking in the IRC, I am certainly lurking in the IRC and most people who left said that they'd wait til the got in 'so and so's group'. Now, thats not a problem if you want to play with your friends, but it is a problem when you claim to be friends with everybody but don't want to play with that particular group of people.
Now, suspecting that since I was on the mumble with two other people, and I knew for a fact; because of the IRC, that a lot of people who are supposed 'regulars' on the mumble and 'want to keep it' were playing Mario Kart. So.. why weren't these people who said they wanted to put the mumble back to good use using it? Oh right, I forgot, I asked in a PM if there was a group call going on, and lo and behold, yes, indeed there was. I was even asked if I'd like to join, and no, I would not.
Why am I posting this?
Two reasons
1. You guys say you want the community to be close knit and include everybody, but you are sequestered off on skype, making those that do want to chat during the game, feel a little alienated if they don't like the non push to talk option, which was expressed in this thread, that being on skype is a little more than uncomfortable.
2. Everybody questions who the clique is? And then claim that nobody is apart of this clique? Well, take a look at your group calls, have you thought about inviting others who may be taking part in the event to that call? Didn't think so.
Gallows certainly has a point. Its the people that are the problem.
Yours truly,
The mumble regulars.