My Thoughts on Mumble

The thing about Mario Kart specifically, in terms of it being a "community event" is the fact it's limited.

If you have 10 people playing Mario Kart and all talking in same channel, not only are you going to have two people excluded from the majority game but you're going to have two people that, if they decide to play themselves, won't be able to talk about it because it's not related to the majority game.

So the most likely case here is that they are going to want to make their own group to play with and they will have to find somewhere else to talk about it. If people in other channels aren't playing then they aren't going to go in there to talk because it would annoy them. The alternative is Skype as it's been the most popular way to talk lately, and again, for Mario Kart specifically I prefer Skype because I enjoy being on camera and watching everyone's reactions to the game. Whereas if a group wanted to play something on the computer I would prefer Mumble as it's more convenient to be pushing down a talk button while you're already using your keyboard.(and the fact Mumble is ten times easier on a computer than skype).

And on the point of what Jeremy said, some people want to play with everyone else but they only want to talk with their friends. Which I agree with Jeremy, it's fine if people want to do that. Nobody should have to feel obligated to join a massive chat group if they aren't comfortable with it.

2. Everybody questions who the clique is? And then claim that nobody is apart of this clique? Well, take a look at your group calls, have you thought about inviting others who may be taking part in the event to that call? Didn't think so.

I'm bringing this up especially in regard because I feel like this is the part I'm being dragged into. As I've already stated I prefer skype for Mario Kart as it's easier and I prefer the video chatting. But the fact that people prefer skype and use it instead of mumble is no grounds at all to be saying people have started cliques. That's ****ing ridiculous.

Also since Justin managed to sneak his post in before I finished mine and it's pretty much saying the exact same thing, I agree with everything he said.
I don't think people should feel pressured into not playing with their friends. I don't really have much to say about the Mario Kart 7 thing because I don't even have the game yet. I'm not sure if I'm considered to be in an IRC 'clique' or whatever by others, but I wouldn't really say I'm part of one. Sure I'm active in the IRC, however quite a lot of the time I have it open on another tab to keep an eye out for conversations I can actually take part in.

Anyway, I think that both people involved in these 'cliques' and the people feeling left out of them could do something to help make a change to this. If you know you're involved in a friendship group or 'clique', try and be more open and welcoming to the newer users. Give them a chance and make an effort to try and become friends with them, after all, the more the merrier right? It's nice to make new friends.
If you're someone who's feeling left out, do the same and try and make an effort to make friends rather than giving up when nobody says hi to you. (I'm not saying all are like this, but I do know there are some)

Some of this I'm working on myself. I think somebody else said a few pages back that they are important life skills, and I absolutely agree.
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we need kayla aka the TBT counsellor to fix our issues

but dw i am here to fix them


ty you're welcome i am glad i have solved everyones issues
if u need anything else pls do not hesitate to PM me
we need kayla aka the TBT counsellor to fix our issues

but dw i am here to fix them


ty you're welcome i am glad i have solved everyones issues
if u need anything else pls do not hesitate to PM me

o might bidoof, what do we do next

-pulls tail-
I wish Skype had a push to talk aspect.

Honestly, if nobody uses it, and you want to shut it down, do it. I've had fun with it in the past but honestly, if you feel like you want to shut it down, then do it. It's your money that you earned, you have every right to do with it what you want. If you want to shut it down, then by all means, do so. I hope you don't think you have an obligation to keep it up.

You can turn on Push-To-Talk on Skype actually. I could give you instructions if you wanted.

IMO the Mumble is really great. I love going on and talking to people, and normally if there's a decent group, the discussion is great. It's also fun for TBT game nights because you can rage like you really rage instead of saying "wow u noob" in IRC. I understand why you feel like you should take it down, and to be honest I'm not sure where I stand because when It's active, it's generally not that bad (at least in my experience), but it can be dead sometimes as well.
I'm normally apart of Skype calls, but yesterday I remained in the irc instead and had just as fun. I played against randoms, IRC regulars, my own friends, and even 1v1d a guy and got my ass handed to me. I played with a bunch of different groups (full four games mind you) and saw no one disconnecting because of who was playing. I publicly expressed challenges to Natty and Jubs because I always get competitive against those two. (Natty is number one on the leaderboards and I'm second)

The mumble gets busy when it wants to. I don't believe there's some boycott against mumble. Like jubs said it was busy during IRC Mafia.
If anyone would like to use mumble for the next MKM and you notice no one is there, perhaps start publicly inviting everyone in the irc?
I'm normally apart of Skype calls, but yesterday I remained in the irc instead and had just as fun. I played against randoms, IRC regulars, my own friends, and even 1v1d a guy and got my ass handed to me. I played with a bunch of different groups (full four games mind you) and saw no one disconnecting because of who was playing. I publicly expressed challenges to Natty and Jubs because I always get competitive against those two. (Natty is number one on the leaderboards and I'm second)

The mumble gets busy when it wants to. I don't believe there's some boycott against mumble. Like jubs said it was busy during IRC Mafia.
If anyone would like to use mumble for the next MKM and you notice no one is there, perhaps start publicly inviting everyone in the irc?

I asked if anyone wanted to go into Mumble last night, but no one answered, so I stayed in IRC only. The thing about Mumble and Mario Kart though, is that it's hard to push to talk while playing.
I asked if anyone wanted to go into Mumble last night, but no one answered, so I stayed in IRC only. The thing about Mumble and Mario Kart though, is that it's hard to push to talk while playing.

Aww :( I was suggesting since I believe River expressed disappointment that only a few people were in the mumble when she was. People tend to busy dodging shells to worry about what platform to use. I think the IRC is the most popular choice because it's quick and easy :) Doesn't mean people using other means of communication are in the wrong though. Like Gallows said, he finds it more enjoyable when he can see people's reactions. (Not gonna lie, everytime I beat Jubs in past MKMs was pretty satisfying because I could hear him :)< )
And yeah definitely I agree! You can do voice activated, but it cuts out. Or voice continuous but that ends up getting really noisy and just ends up in not a good time.
Aww :( I was suggesting since I believe River expressed disappointment that only a few people were in the mumble when she was. People tend to busy dodging shells to worry about what platform to use. I think the IRC is the most popular choice because it's quick and easy :) Doesn't mean people using other means of communication are in the wrong though. Like Gallows said, he finds it more enjoyable when he can see people's reactions. (Not gonna lie, everytime I beat Jubs in past MKMs was pretty satisfying because I could hear him :)< )
And yeah definitely I agree! You can do voice activated, but it cuts out. Or voice continuous but that ends up getting really noisy and just ends up in not a good time.

It makes me so happy seeing pallys face when i whip her butt on kalamari!
Most of you people wish for this change to happen, but also want someone else to do it for them. In my experience, the mumble group grows immensely when it starts off with 3 or 4 of us on. People on the IRC see that there are people so they join. No one should expect that if they complain that everyone will fix their problem for them. For example, Marii joins mumble frequently, even when no one else is on or they are AFK. So when I join, I can start talking to her, and then others come because they see mumble being active. But she makes the first step. I feel like you guys have the same mindset as those people who complain their votes don't matter, so collectively they don't vote at all and it actually makes a big difference. You want things to change? Make it happen yourself. I was on mumble yesterday with 3 other people and we all talked for a good hour. However, We then switched to Skype so it could be easier to talk without holding down the button. It's also more reassuring to see people's face when they talk to you can feel like you're somewhat having an actual conversation. One of the people that I added I had never spoken to before in my this is not me sky ping a "clique" (which seems incredibly childish by the way to be actually complaining that within a large group of people in a forum of so many, there are smaller friend groups.) but simply another form of communication. I have gone on IRC in numerous occasions and publicly stated that we should have a huge Skype call. Everyone basically ignored me. So I started calls with friends who I know want to talk. Because sometimes it's nice to chat with people you have common interests with....not just with everyone because you have to be nice in a community. However, no one is shoving it in other people's faces that there are private Skype calls. Because my calls are always open to new people, if they would just ask me. People need to stop playing the victim card and actually try to solve this simple dilemma.
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I agree, 100% even if you've been a long time user of the IRC and Mumble. Its mostly the people who like to get drunk with each other.

Its really funny, because I brought this up with ProfGallows, how when I started to date somebody who is rather popular around here, people started talking to me like I was just as popular when nothing changed at all. Gallows said that it was just because I seemed to be more open to chatting but that's complete BS, I've always been open to chatting, its just nobody wanted to chat besides in the initial 'hi' and sometimes that doesn't happen anymore, so like you, I've stopped going on the irc or mumble.

The funny thing is, there are people making fun of people in the public on the IRC, Jen being one of the people that a lot of people make her the joke, people gossip, and the cliques get worse. So really, is there a point to advertising the IRC and Mumble for the community when the only people seemingly 'allowed' to talk are the people who are in the 'in' crowd? I don't know how many times I've seen new people come into the chat to talk about animal crossing, and somebody has told them that nobody wants that in the IRC, while I agree the IRC is used for general discussion, and the newness of animal crossing has worn off, its still not polite to turn people away because they come to an IRC channel that belongs to a ANIMAL CROSSING forum.

Or even so, when newbies join, they don't talk about what the 'in' crowd are talking about, or say something that isn't 'cool' and get shunned away so really, is this a welcoming community?

I gotta comment on this Holly, because before you were dating Tom, I remember going on mumble and saying hi to both of you guys. I didn't even know Tom that well then, but he said hi and you stayed absolutely quiet. I tried talking about something I was doing to break some ice but I sincerely thought you disliked me so I left almost immediately. For me, it wasn't that you started dating him that made me actually talk to you, it was the fact that once it was a thing, you seemed more open to talking to me when Tom talked to me.

If anyone publicly asks me a question on the IRC or Mumble, I answer it without being weird about it. It doesn't matter their social status...I mean, I literally hung out with a bit of each group in high school, but mostly enjoyed the "outcasts" the most since they were interesting. So I really don't feel above anyone else because they are new or "not in my group". I just there's a lot of miscommunication going on around here. SO LET'S SPREAD THE LOVE!
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I asked if anyone wanted to go into Mumble last night, but no one answered, so I stayed in IRC only. The thing about Mumble and Mario Kart though, is that it's hard to push to talk while playing.

To be honest, if everyone is starting up a game or something, I don't think people will be paying that much attention and the IRC can move fast. The best thing to do would've just been to hop in there.

And this goes for everyone who said "well, nobody was there so I didn't go in" Nobody is ever going to be there unless SOMEONE goes in. It's how you start getting something going. There is literally no difference between if everyone went on Mumble instead of Skype except for the fact that someone could freely join in without invitation and that really shouldn't be a bad thing.
Most of you people wish for this change to happen, but also want someone else to do it for them. In my experience, the mumble group grows immensely when it starts off with 3 or 4 of us on. People on the IRC see that there are people so they join. No one should expect that if they complain that everyone will fix their problem for them. For example, Marii joins mumble frequently, even when no one else is on or they are AFK. So when I join, I can start talking to her, and then others come because they see mumble being active. But she makes the first step. I feel like you guys have the same mindset as those people who complain their votes don't matter, so collectively they don't vote at all and it actually makes a big difference. You want things to change? Make it happen yourself. I was on mumble yesterday with 3 other people and we all talked for a good hour. However, We then switched to Skype so it could be easier to talk without holding down the button. It's also more reassuring to see people's face when they talk to you can feel like you're somewhat having an actual conversation. One of the people that I added I had never spoken to before in my this is not me sky ping a "clique" (which seems incredibly childish by the way to be actually complaining that within a large group of people in a forum of so many, there are smaller friend groups.) but simply another form of communication. I have gone on IRC in numerous occasions and publicly stated that we should have a huge Skype call. Everyone basically ignored me. So I started calls with friends who I know want to talk. Because sometimes it's nice to chat with people you have common interests with....not just with everyone because you have to be nice in a community. However, no one is shoving it in other people's faces that there are private Skype calls. Because my calls are always open to new people, if they would just ask me. People need to stop playing the victim card and actually try to solve this simple dilemma.

Well said Rosie
I really don't understand what everyone means by cliques in IRC and Mumble. There aren't any cliques I'm aware of. Of course, IRC goers and people that go on Mumble will form stronger relationships over time, but when someone new comes on and continues to be part of these for a while, we get to know them too.
I've torn this community apart >:] My work here is done
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To be honest, Rosie, I don't buy anything you're saying based on my brief experience with you and Olive on Mumble the other night. We were all in there playing IRC Mafia, there were some snide comments made by both of you about how many people were in there and then you butted into conversation just to ask each other to go on Skype and disappeared.

Exactly what I mean by not very welcoming.

I've torn this community apart >:] My work here is done

You must have some serious problems, Sock. It's a shame, I used to like you.
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