• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

My Unpopular Opinions... Yours?

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Modern third-wave feminism is built off of scare tactics and lies and propaganda to convince young women that it's something they NEED, and many third-wave feminists use forceful tactics ("If you believe in equality you ARE feminist" "If you're not a feminist you're an *******" "You're not a feminist? Hand in your right to vote then :)") to force people to support them. And if you point out ****ty feminists? Suddenly the no-true-scotsman fallacy comes into play and they don't count because, uh, we said so.
I don't enjoy the sound of rain or storms. They make me really anxious. It's bad since we're having a tropical storm right now...

Also, I hate minions.
I don't enjoy the sound of rain or storms. They make me really anxious. It's bad since we're having a tropical storm right now...

Also, I hate minions.
I LOVE the rain.
I have a 75 minutes of rain and thunder track I'm trying find a way to play as I go to sleep every night.
I LOVE the rain.
I have a 75 minutes of rain and thunder track I'm trying find a way to play as I go to sleep every night.

Who doesn't love rain? It's the best thing in this world. Thunder storms are nice

I dislike minions, God seems a little useless (I go to a Christian school =.=)
Haven't read whole thread... just wanted to point out that this forum is a form of social media >_>

I hate ranch.
i dont recall saying that i did, but yeah in school i always talk about the oppression that takes place there whenever given the opportunity. also, im middle eastern so yeah kind of

and im 15 btw. so theres not much i can do lol

Apparently talking about oppression without doing anything to stop it is considered helping. Oh okay. It's not possible to live in the US and help Middle-Eastern feminists unless you actually visit the Middle East and help them out.

Also, the Maldives follow the Sharia law, and it's doing just fine. The problem with you people is that you assume 'Sharia Law' is one strict structure. No, different countries use different versions of it, and Maldives has the perfect balance between oppressive and too lenient.
I like my food near-burned sometimes, especially bread, it HAS to be brown and crunchy mmm
Haven't read whole thread... just wanted to point out that this forum is a form of social media >_>

I hate ranch.

ranch dressing? uh yeah it's yuck

not in the type of twitter and fb and all those sites, it's not.

also i don't like thunder/lighting.. summer rain is nice tho
Fathers who get insecure when their kid isn`t as gutsy as other kids at the fairies. My nephew was afraid to jump higher while attached to an elastic chain, leaving his father and stand holder to gang up on him to jump higher. Later on at home he "bragged" he dared to go on all the rides at the fairies. I mean seriously? SERIOUSLY? There were 11 year old girls going in the most "scary" ride. Who brags about crap like that.

So he was telling my nephew to jump higher because people were watching and he probably was ashamed, I was just standing next to him shaking "no" towards my nephew. Its good to motivate kids to try new things, but there is a limit people.

And..... you are still a brave ****ing daddy, because you are the MASTER of the fairies.

The fairies......

I actually like going to the movies alone. Mostly cause I concentrate better and I hate people trying to talk to you when watching. Also I have a .. special taste in movies.
I hate it when people try to control others opinions or actions. As long as they aren't hurting anyone, who cares?
I don't think Smash Bros is that great. It is only popular because it's so hyped up by its fans. I don't particularly think fighter games are that great. It just... Lacks action and suspense, I suppose. They're more fun with friends, but either way, Smash Bros is not that good. End of story. I got Smash U for Christmas and felt pretty excited because everyone else was getting hyped for it so I was looking forward to it. I ended up just being pretty disappointed to say the least.

I find pugs to be gross and ugly. D: Aahh, I'm sorry. ;; I do love dogs but I just don't see why everyone finds them cute. Their faces are all squished up and their tails are curly so you can see their butt...

People who bash on Tumblr are really annoying because they complain about Tumblr as a whole when literally the people they are complaining about take up a rather small section of the site.
Also, when people say stuff like "hurr hurr stupid tumblrinas and their made up genders hurr", it really annoys me because people are downgrading LEGITIMATE problems that people have had and struggled with for YEARS and YEARS. It's not just a "Tumblr" thing to be concerned about your sexuality or your gender identity or whatever. It's a real problem that real people face so don't make it seem like it's just some silly little irrelevant problem.

Also pizza is not that great.
I like Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts

I have more unpopular opinions but eh I'll post em later
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It's not a good idea to bring your children to the store. Get a babysitter or one parent(if you're two) can be at home.
The gluten free trend is stupid. My mother has coeliac disease and she actually cannot eat gluten, she doesn't buy those unhealthy gluten free products and makes her own healthy meals. If you don't have a problem with gluten I don't see why you need to go gluten free.
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