I have a very specific requests and I hope you'll allow what I want!~ Cx>
Mayor Name: Tiana
Town Name: Unato
Friend Code: Sidebar
Dream Address: N/A
Villagers: Don't want them included
Dreamies: Marina, Zucker, Genji, Cole, Kabuki, Erik, Boone, Gala, Willow, Chops
Names under sprites?: Pleaseee<3
Town Name Format: I would like my town name with the word "dreamies" next to it, same font, color, and size
Sprite indication: I already have chops in my town, I want that symbolized by one of those little candy sprites, any of them, and i want the key shown under my town name
Specific sprite arrangement?: see "rounded edges" option below
Font Color: any
Sprite Outline Color: any
Background: http://38.media.tumblr.com/978eea5319e8010a6c43ce6a8bc5bb60/tumblr_n83f9pYlOz1sg1ksjo1_250.gif
Mayor art (please provide a link): http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?295788-Freebs-Pickup/page2 the very top post of this page please... I hope this one works? You can make it much smaller and even cut off the chest and keep shoulders up
Size: idc
Animated? doesnt matter
Rounded Edges? Could you actually make the whole thing a circle, with the sprites surrounding the inside border, in a circular pattern
Frame?: (Y/N - If Y put which) no
Anything else? sorry this is so complicated... <xD if you cant do it thats okay<33