Mayor Name: Anthony
Town Name: Celestia
Friend Code: 1736-0803-4201
Dream Address: N/A
Villagers: N/A
Dreamies: Chief, Bones, Beau, Rudy, Shep, Willow, Lolly, Molly, Penelope, and Agnes.
Names under sprites?: Yes, please.
Which tiny font? (For names under sprites): Silkscreen
Town name format: (ex: Sunshine - Mayor Nathan, ect): Celestia - Mayor Anthony
Sprite marking: Jacob's Ladder on those Obtained. (on the new sheet)
Specific sprite arrangement?: I would like it the sprites of my dreamies in a row, like my current signature.
Font: FinkHeavy or something nice.
Font Color, Gradient, or Glow Text? A nice, somewhat dark blue, with a white outline? or whatever best matches the background.
Background: Clicky
Art? (please provide a link & artist credit): N/A
Rounded Edges? YES PLEASE
Border? (If yes what color) YES PLEASE, White, or whatever color you used for the font outline.
Animated? Since background is animated, I guess this is a yes?
Multiple Sigs? N/A
Other Info: N/A
Anything else? Willow and Agnes have been obtained, so can you please put the Jacob's Ladder with them?
Thanks! Just tell me the price
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