I'm really, really disappointed about the whole thing. There are people who are out there dying to protect our freedom and this is supposed to be the "land of the free" but it's not that way anymore. This will be something where the internet becomes a luxury for the poor and middle class, and restricted to the rich. It's another punishment to people who have no money.
I can also imagine this hurting businesses, as I doubt free wifi hotspots will exist anymore when the businesses have to start paying more so that customers can use every website. A lot of coffee shops and book stores and such get more business due to wifi and the internet. Sales on sites like amazon will die out as people will just go to other places to shop so they don't pay as much for the internet.
None of these idiotic people in congress think about their actions, all they think about is greed and lining their pockets. I've always been ashamed of this country and it's just getting worse and worse. I hate Trump and I hate all these jerks who are bathing in gold bathtubs full of money while broke college students are wondering how they'll scrape up an extra $10 a month to pay for internet services to do their school work.
I can also imagine this hurting businesses, as I doubt free wifi hotspots will exist anymore when the businesses have to start paying more so that customers can use every website. A lot of coffee shops and book stores and such get more business due to wifi and the internet. Sales on sites like amazon will die out as people will just go to other places to shop so they don't pay as much for the internet.
None of these idiotic people in congress think about their actions, all they think about is greed and lining their pockets. I've always been ashamed of this country and it's just getting worse and worse. I hate Trump and I hate all these jerks who are bathing in gold bathtubs full of money while broke college students are wondering how they'll scrape up an extra $10 a month to pay for internet services to do their school work.