Never have I ever...

Technically I have when I was a kid. I learned how to play the recorder if that counts, and a bit of piano, lol. I'm definitely not a musician though.

Never have I ever eaten at a Wendy's before.
Never. i do not even know if we have Wendy's in England.

Never have i ever deprived myself of sleep for no justifiable reason.
I wish I hadn’t. I felt very crappy the next day.

Never have I ever played Warframe.
Nope, never.

Never have I ever dived from a diving board and then had an epic fail upon hitting the water.
i’ve never dived from a diving board, period lol.

never have i ever worn contacts.
Well, yes actually. My dog bit my face when I was just over a year old, and had stitches put in. The small scar is still clearly there on my cheek, and it’s never bothered me as I actually view that as a unique facial feature.

Never have I ever uploaded anything on YouTube.
Nor have I.

Never have I ever used Twitter.
Nope, but that's mostly because I don't really ride rollercoasters.

Never have I ever gotten food poisoning.
I have, and it's hellish. You're essentially using the toilet and bathtub at the same time. The last thing I ate before symptoms started was a McFlurry, so I was constantly blaming McDonald's and disregarding the pulled pork sandwich I'd had at a carnival the night before lol

Never have I ever been lost.
i don’t drive, so no. i’ve never been in a car accident caused by someone else either, thankfully. 😅

never have i ever bleached my hair.