I haven’t. I’m kinda tempted to try them eventually, but I’m honestly on the fence about trying most seafood. I’m so worried that it won’t be prepared or cooked properly, and I’ll end up with food poisoning.
I have an iPhone 13 Pro, and previously had four others (iPhone 4s, iPhone 5s, iPhone 6s (rip headphone jack), iPhone X). I also bought an iCloud locked iPhone 7 that I subsequently jailbroke to use as an iPod, but it doesn't see use anymore. My very first phone was an HTC Android, but I hated how slow it was. This was back in 2012, so obviously technology was way different back then. When I got my iPhone 4s, it was so much faster, and I just grew used to iOS since then. I consider myself technologically advanced, but even today I still don't know some of the Android OS' quirks.
Never have I ever accidentally lost game save data.
It's kind of weird, but it was only my first time going to one 7 months ago, and it was a school field trip. I don't really travel often, and last time I did, I stayed at an Airbnb.
Never have I ever eaten fast food more than 5 different times in one week.
I have, for every field trip we did at school that we traveled out of state (which was two). They were really nice, but the first one stopped after the other kids in the grade below me stopped being sanitary.
Never have I ever called the police for no reason.